Spirits in PvE - An issue.

X Crusader

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Vancouver, Canada


Okay. Forgive me if this has been asked before, but after looking at the Ritualist skills for a while, it suddenly dawned on me that the recharge on the spirits was always 45-60 seconds long. That being said, how can spirits be useful in missions or quests (when you move around all the time) if they can only be castvery sparingly throughout the whole time? And, resorting to other skills in the Ritualist skill line, you would find that those skills depend on bringing up spirits too. So, honestly, whats the point of spirits if you can only cast only a few spirits in a mission, who won't even be able to move.

So, there would be two solutions to this:
1 - Decrease the recharge on the skills (most viable option)
2 - Make spirits move around with you (probably not as likely)

In conclusion, I fail to see the use of spirits in PvE at this stage. If someone would like to shed some light on the issue, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

X Crusader



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Jul 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


While I see this being a problem with the PvE game as we know it, I think we have to keep in mind that the PvE game as we know it will undoubtedly change greatly with Factions. ANet has already mentioned a PvE gametype where two sides battle to take control of vital points (think supply depot?), and a Ritualist's superiority in stationary combat would excel there.

It will probably come down to tailoring your team for the mission ahead, like it does now. Ritualists may have trouble finding groups in the fast-moving missions, but be in very high demand in the hold-your-ground type (man... a ritualist at each door in THK.... mmmmm).



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Just change your build for fast moving missions: Less spirits, more direct damage (or whatever).




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Main focus a spirit and being involved is in the last fire mission when best to have greater conflag and winter up.

Agild Greenfinger

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by fiery
Main focus a spirit and being involved is in the last fire mission when best to have greater conflag and winter up.
aside from the fact that I barely understood you...I'm pretty sure we're not talking ranger spirits here



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Glancing over the Ritualist spirits in the Game, Destuction seems like one of the fastest recharge spirits: 10 en/3 cast/20 recharge

Combo this with Rupture Soul (10 en/1 cast/20 recharge) for some nice damage (and blindness) every 20 seconds...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005




Ritualists are designed to be a defensive heavy asset, great for missions that requires you to defend your ground. It may not be well rounded to be both offensive and defensive at the same time.. but then again, who is?



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Rangers often use spirits too, and I just tell the grou to wait if I need my spirits up. 45 seconds isn't that long in PvE honestly - not on tough opponents. Sure, it'll be way too long wiping out level 5 Charr (or the equivalent) but in a mission like Abbaddon's I'd be surprised if you didn't have it ready around when you take on the next group.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Epinephrine
Rangers often use spirits too, and I just tell the grou to wait if I need my spirits up. 45 seconds isn't that long in PvE honestly - not on tough opponents. Sure, it'll be way too long wiping out level 5 Charr (or the equivalent) but in a mission like Abbaddon's I'd be surprised if you didn't have it ready around when you take on the next group.
Or how about waiting for Rangers to set traps...

Ritualists are not going to be quick spammers that's for sure!

The quickest direct damage spell I could find was

Spirit Rift 15 en/2 cast/5 recharge
And that takes 3 seconds to activate!

Of course, there are the "hold ashes" spells that help counter the recharge by staying on you until you drop them, and there's some quick weapon buffs. I can see Ritualist being more useful in helping the Warriors with buffs than doing a lot of damage themselves...