Keys for chests-worth buying?

Mesmer of DOOM

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Now that im in the later parts of the PvE campaign, im running across these darn things constantly. I know you can buy keys for em, but are they worth it? Some go for over 500gp/key, and for someone still on their first character, that seems rather steep. Are they worth buying, or am i just going to bankrupt myself and be stuck with lots of crappy purples?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Force of Arms [FoA]


I personaly use the chests as I don't have enough money. But from what I've heard, you'll have to spend upwards of 10k on keys before you get something valuable. I haven't test this out so don't rely solely on me for your answer. Hopefully someone will be able to back up what I have stated or tell you their experence with keys and chests.

Burakus Lightwing

Burakus Lightwing

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


IMO they are not worth it. I speak from my own experience of have wasted gold on keys. At one point I think I bought 6 shiverpeak keys and all I did was merchant every item I down the drain. In the end really up to you since it is your first. I hope for that rare key drop to give me a decent item when I open a chest...still waiting for a good chest item. In the end I feel I've gotten better drops than anything I've ever received from a chest.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Playing Guild Wars and Getting [high]


The only keys i have has success with is FoW or UW chests and i think they are the only ones worth investing in yeah they do cost 1.5k or 750g each but when you get a perfect chaos axe then you will see the benefit

Dagomir Zarusta

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

columbus GA



The only time i open chests are with keys that dropped. And thats only with UW or FoW keys.
10 FoW keys= 15k
It is very unlikely that you will get anything worth 15k (at which point you break even) in 10 FoW chests. 3 are likely to be purple, and the remaining 7 gold drops are likely to be crap. Simple math

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

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Surrey University

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although u can always buy keys cheaper..the people who dont want to risk it and want a bit more then the merchant vaule of the keys e.g fow keys can be bought for 1k instead of 1.5k of the trader.

i think that keys in the UW and FOW are normally worth it i also think that its worth using the keys on harder to reach chests not just the 1st chest you see


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Burakus Lightwing
IMO they are not worth it. I speak from my own experience of have wasted gold on keys. At one point I think I bought 6 shiverpeak keys and all I did was merchant every item I down the drain.
I'm beginning to think the same thing from my chest runs. I'm starting to think they are an underhanded way of being gold sinks. FoW runs, none of the chest drops, are worth 1500g, the price of the key. Sometimes I can't even sell them for 1k, so it goes to the merchant.

I can't help trying though; since there is that off chance you might get something that is really treasured. ANET just made the game so the chances of it dropping are low. You know what they say, the house always wins, and so in the end a lot will lose money, but someone will be getting that most wanted GOLD item.

LoBo's \/andetta

LoBo's \/andetta

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Im in Lysia(oe whatever the map is called)

The Krusaders


Yea I think it is worth money to most people I personally have only bought 1 key and I got a Max Dmg Ebon Peircing Axe of Tenguslaying(gold) so that means I got really lucky but im not gonna try again Unless its a FoW or UW keys I would say dont risk it at all (Unless FoW or UW key).

Kai Nui

Kai Nui

Desert Nomad

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Celebrity Gangsters [FamE]


Yes, you should buy keys, and you should buy them from me since chest rewards are not worth as much as the key.

Anyway, in my oppinion I think buying keys is a bad idea, aswell as using them. If you do use keys, they'd better be found or player-bought.

Only keys that have potential for good drops: Shiverpeak keys, Miner Keys, Obsidian Keys and Phantom Keys. Everything else: no way.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

United Kingdom - London, China - Hong Kong


My personal view is that I do not think chest keys are worth buying.

I highly dislike selling stuff amoug players, where I usually have to stand there, shouting what I have to sell, and answer many, many questions form the public, from wanting to see the items I have to sell, to asking me for 400 GP because he is has no money.

The same amoug of time could get me in earing more exp and gold, as well as a lot more fun.

If I really need somthing I have in mind, I would rather buy it from players. Fair enough it could be 100k, at least I know what I am getting, but from chest, with my rubbish luck, I dont think I would get anything worth that much. Even if I did, I rather not stand there shouting what I have to sell in town.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


In the very long run I think chests are actualy worth it. However 90% of all golds you get from them will be essentialy worthless. The other 10% might help you to break even, or if it's somthing really special, net a profit. However, it also requires time to sell most of what comes out of them, usualy due to the fact it's junk. You'll probably have the best luck with miners keys(in SF), darkstone keys(only at hells precipice), phantom keys(uw/topk uw), and obsidian keys(FoW).

One way to eliminate you getting purples from chests, is just to let someone else use their key first. If they get a purple, don't touch the chest, if it's gold, go for it.

Basicaly, since you're just starting out, I reccomend not wasting any money whatsoever on keys. Save the ones you get as drops, and if you find a gold chest use your key.

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

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The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


Yeah I've spent about 50-75k on keys, but I got a Superior Absorbtion back when they were worth 100k, so I'm still up in the long run.

EDIT: its just a matter of luck really, my friend has spent about 30k on keys and has got jack in return. So it comes down to "Are you feeling lucky......are ya?"

Divinus Stella

Divinus Stella

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Steel Phoenix

Its best to buy a key or 2 for a UW or FoW run, then wait til someone else opens the chest, if its gold use a key if its not dont bother.
Its like a lottery, you will probably break even at best, but the fun from opening the chests is worth it.

Retro Knight

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

with chest you normally break even. I have spent well over 500k on shiver, miners, darkstone, UW and FoW keys and i always break even.

I also have the absolute WORST luck ever... seriously! I have been playing this game since it came out and i have yet to get a sup vigor or absorb, i have never gotten any perfect mods except +30 HP's.. oh and those groovy +5 armor pieces of crap i get on every single weapon (btw, this is from ALL items ive gotten, not just chest drops)

SO, in short, if i can break even on chests runs EVERYONE can :P


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005

I got a sup vig on what was probably my third key, was in mineral, so no complaints here.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Do crystalline swords drop out of FoW chests? I specialize in FoW runs, I've spend 45k on keys already that's 30 FoW keys. 1/5 chests are junk. But the 1 that is worth something breaks even for me. I haven't yet found a 15^50 weapon either from chest or from farming does anyone know the chance of a mod like that dropping? I've picked up at least 50 gold weapons and have yet to see a 15^50 increase dmg mod for an axe,sword,bow,or hammer.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




I sell my Shiv keys now, almost always. I'm happier.

Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



I spent 60k on keys for FoW chest runs and only found 1 perfect it was worth it and gave me something to do

Yes keys are worth it but you must be patient and stop expecting a perfect every 20 chests... more like 50+



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


I only really started amassing gold when I stopped buying keys for each area.

I only use keys that drop which, in the most part, confirms that buying them is not commercially viable.

I now only buy keys for UW/FOW, but as yet, have had no luck with these either.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

It's a lottery. You'll blow tons of money on keys getting complete crap. Then, if you are really lucky, you'll get a godly item that sells for 100k, perhaps making a profit, perhaps just making up some of the blown money. Not worth using, unless you like to gamble. To the guy who spent 60k, you got lucky - others will spend 100k and still not get anything worthwhile.



Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

I use key's frequently in FoW and UW, and it's a much better return than 1/50. Of course you can't expect perfect items ever time, but you can easily sell something less than perfect for more than the price of the key. It just takes patience and knowing when/where to sell.


Site Contributor

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I picked up a Superior Vigor from a Shiverpeak Chest outside of War Camp a while ago (when those runes were about 60k at the trader).

I spent at least 50k on (Darkstone/Miner/Obsidian/Phantom) keys after that and I didn't break even. No more keys for me.

Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



if you got nothing else to do, go buy keys and join a FoW chest run...its fun and you might get lucky

Did I mention my furious perfect Chaos axe of fortitude too?

Found loads of perfect bows and stuff also but theyre lying in storage.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



I only buy keys for fow, uw, & sorrows furnace, and usually only 1 or 2 keys at a time just in case I run across a chest. As stated before in this thread, I only use the key if some one uses their key first to confirm that the chest is gold.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

New Jersey

The Adventurer's Society [TAS]


Only buy FoW and UW keys. And the occasional Shiv. key will work.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Zombies of War


From a economic standpoint, keys are a waste of money. You will probably not make as much as you spend on them, unless you want to spend a long time spamming WTS.... However, for me when I go into FoW, I will take 10-15 keys with me. I like the lottery feel to it. I know my money will come from drops, but I get a kick out of identifying gold items. So I blow my money on keys, and consider that worth the investment.

Young Hero

Young Hero

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005



I buy keys for Ember Light Camp alot.Its fun to run around opening chests with a chance for that 500K drop.Spent 20K on keys today and have nothing to show for it but you never know whats in that chest unless you open it.

Rainy Ico

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Nah. I don't usually buy keys. Every so often if I come back from either capping or farming and I have some extra change I'll buy keys.

As for shiverpeak keys, I go farm mountain trolls. They usually drop a fair number of them.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005


Apocalyptica UK


I wouldn't recommend it personally. I had plenty of cash and spent maybe 150/200k on obsidian/phantom/shiv keys before i made any serious money from them ( I happened to get the perfect req 8 fell which went for nearly a mil in the end) but i would steer well clear unless you have plenty of money to gamble (and usually waste)

Sergio Leone

Sergio Leone

Krytan Explorer

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Dallas, TX

The International Terrorists [USA]


No need to take 10-15 keys in FoW. I think the max number of chests you'll see is two. Correct me if I'm wrong though.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

I don't think the max is 2. I believe I have seen 3 once. I brought along two keys and ran into two chests and was feeling good, then I ran into another chest and felt bad because I ran out of keys. Then I killed a spider and it dropped a key and felt good again. But all 3 drops were bad, so I felt worse.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Asian in Lousiana

The Endbringers


How do the chest keys rank? Is it like shiverpeak < ring of fire < UW < FoW?

Renegade ++RIP++

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

yeah shiverpeak < ring of fire < sf < uw < fow




Join Date: Feb 2006

American Servers

Sin Squad [SIN]


If you do a good FoW run, I've seen around 5-6 chests. Sometimes it is luck and 2 is max that will spawn. But there are a lot of possiblities:

one in traverse right before Wailing Forest
one in Wailing Forest
one in village way behind Wailing Forest
one at Forge camp
one at Temple
two in the Burning Forest
one in the lava area after the traverse through Burning Forest
one in spider's cave
one outside the spider's cave

So, max is 10 if they all spawned in the same map. Impossible though I'm sure. But if you go to ALL those areas, you'll probably find 5-6 chests.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Zombies of War


I'll often see 3-6 chests in FoW. I take extra keys, so when others run out, I ask them to open the chests for me. People are usually happy to do so, and I've never had anyone rip me off. Not even the req 8 chaos axes. Sometimes, 12-15keys isn't enough. But again, for me, I get a kick out of id'ing items. So it is worth keys, since I have more than enough money now. If I was strapped for cash, it would be a bad idea.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


You know what would be nice and that is if they got rid of keys altogether.That is right the way it use to be and you got better items out of those chests before keys came along anyway i sure find they take up valuable inventory space on my chars.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Age
You know what would be nice and that is if they got rid of keys altogether.That is right the way it use to be and you got better items out of those chests before keys came along anyway i sure find they take up valuable inventory space on my chars.
and then you bring back the chest farmers.




Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Epinephrine
It's a lottery. You'll blow tons of money on keys getting complete crap. Then, if you are really lucky, you'll get a godly item that sells for 100k, perhaps making a profit, perhaps just making up some of the blown money. Not worth using, unless you like to gamble.

You can either farm a lot of gold and buy something expensive from another player or you can farm a little and take a chance. If you are happy with a plain max damage weapon, there are plenty of collecters in the desert and S shiverpeaks who'll trade you for them.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


kind of nooby to FoW chest runs, heard about them, seen them being formed as i go duoing, but is it basically just 8 running build warriors going round to the various chests? if so i might try it