ok i need to know were i can get this size fan and how big is it
modding your mouse look plz i need help
swampy butt
Blade Rez
That looks like an 80mm or 60mm fan. Personally I wouldn't go through that trouble. Just get a cheap 10$ Nyko 800 DPI optical. comes with fan
Serafita Kayin
it's a 40MM, and I've done it.
Do do it for the fun of it, go ahead, but for usability I say go for the Nyko. It's a cheap, shabby piece of kit but it does have a fan built half-ass in already.
Do do it for the fun of it, go ahead, but for usability I say go for the Nyko. It's a cheap, shabby piece of kit but it does have a fan built half-ass in already.