Any way to search guilds?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


Alright, here's my situation. I was doing some missions in the crystal desert, and one of the party members suggested I join his guild. He's a pretty nice guy, so I decided it'd be nice to party up with a semi active guild with friendly people. Anyway..

Due to the rollback issue, I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to be in this guild anymore. I was invited only shortly before I noticed the trader price drops. So, I'm almost positive I won't be in the guild when I get back online, and I can't remember the spelling for the guys name. Is there any way to search for possible guilds? The Guild was either FIRE or FLRE. Maybe he'll remember my name and message me, but maybe not... so... to secure my membership there, can anyone give me a possible method to searching a list of Guilds? Thanks in advance.

LoBo's \/andetta

LoBo's \/andetta

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Im in Lysia(oe whatever the map is called)

The Krusaders


I was just gonna ask this question too i needed to find some guilds Also!



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


There are tons and tons of Guilds in Guild Wars.
So why not take a look at the source? Go to
But that site only lists the Top 1000 Guilds(through GvG) during Ladder season. So where else to look?

There is a Guild Database here at Guild Wars Guru. It's not all of them, but it's a good place to start.

That's the most help I can give you.

Should've wrote down the name


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


I wasn't aware that ANet would be rolling back the game... :/

Maybe I could send them an email asking for the leader of the Guild. hmm..

Wonder if they'd be willing to help me out there.