Next time you hear these words, don't try to give the man a reasonable price. Don't even waste your time trying to gauge what the item is really worth. If you want to buy it, give him a ridiculously low quote- the worst he can do is say no.
Quite frankly, I'm so sick and tired of people being unable to come up with their own damn prices that I feel its perfectly fair and Capitalistic to give them unreasonably low offers. And you know the funny part? Most of the time they take it- people who say to make an offer usually can't gauge what the item is really worth, and will take anything that sounds good. If someone can't take the time to shop around the market and find out what to sell their item for, you should feel free to quote them on whatever you'd LIKE to pay for it. When they say to make an offer, go ahead and tell them a ridiculously low price. Works on most items, but especially well on trade items, the prices of which fluctuate massively person to person, partially based on the quantity of the item bought.
Also, feel free to quote prices for materials far lower than what the trader is selling them for. I've made purchases at massively low amounts not too far away from the trader himself- if someone's too damn lazy to walk to the trader and check prices, then his laziness will screw himself over. All the better for you. Its almost funny, to tell you the truth.
And on the note of prices, when selling something, always use the .99 trick- I know its stupid, but it works on the human psyche. 89 GP is a LOT less than 90GP. I know it doesn't make sense, I know its stupid, but it works.
Another tip is to never give a per piece price for the items. Give them the total - it seems like more that way.
Yeah, that can tie into quantity. Giving someone hundreds of gold is great, and might get them to immidately accept, even though what you're paying for each individual piece is pretty damn low.
For some rarer, more valuable items that are in heavy demand such as perfect weapons or certain superior runes, it's perfectly legit to call for bids, though. Transaction costs are nonzero for these sorts of exchanges, and such prices are subject to heavy fluctuation.
great reason why I sold my sigil for 75k, although im mad that a friend sold his for 90k TT
Brett Kuntz
I don't get your issue with sellers asking you to offer an amount. I am one of those, I'll never claim a price to an item I own, I'll always ask for an offer. People usually offer what I'm looking for, if not I simply tell them "sorry" and move on. They can either offer more or nothing at all, I could care less, as I'm not wasting my time selling an item I clearly don't want or need to you. You can waste your time trying to get it from me, while I continue farming.
Dix Neuf
I think Guildwars just needs to get away from the archaic Diablo 2 trading system and do something like an auction house or 'setting up' shops.
Thinking of a good price with weapons is always such a headache with me that I don't even bother to sell them anymore
Thinking of a good price with weapons is always such a headache with me that I don't even bother to sell them anymore