Very simiple, have a popup menu that can be bound to a key or mouse button. The menu shows a list of attacking enemies sorted with the closest at the top.
This would make chaotic, multi-enemy, multi-ally fights with tons of spells effects MUCH easier to manage. I do understand that part of the fun is in the chaos of battle, but there needs to be a line drawn between what you'd expect if it were real and graphics effects of the game overpowering the screen (ever have a fight where you cant see your mouse pointer?).
The same kind of pop up menu but it lists allies and their targets, like this:
PartyMember2 - monster4
PartyMember3 - monster1
PartyMember4 - monster2
Just replace PartyMember and monsters with names. This would give a quick, easy overview of who has what targeted and give you the ability to target the ally or an allies target quickly.
Quick Attack Menu
i think i would like this idea, it might be hard in a pop-up menu form(game-engen problems ), and i also dont want to be a fasciast fool and reject your idea (partly because i dont fully understand it )
In the simpilest terms, it would be just like a standard windows right-click menu. Like when you right click in your browser or desktop or whatever...the difference being it's bound to a key or any mouse button (standard game binding) and the menu that appears is a list of either enemies or allies and their targets.
The general consensus among competitive PVP players is that the GW targetting interface is crap, except maybe for alpha testers who have been playing it for like a year.
Just take World of Warcraft's or Star Wars Galaxies' interface customization, ease of use and targetting and be done with it! No more trying to cycle through targets instead of focusing on the actual gameplay.
The general consensus among competitive PVP players is that the GW targetting interface is crap, except maybe for alpha testers who have been playing it for like a year.
Just take World of Warcraft's or Star Wars Galaxies' interface customization, ease of use and targetting and be done with it! No more trying to cycle through targets instead of focusing on the actual gameplay.
I think it should be difficult to select your enemy, you can easily select the closest enemy with c > spacebar. To tacticly select other targets you have to locate and target them, although it would be easier if there was a key that allowed you to shift between the nearest 8 targets.
The deficiency of having a Window with targets attacking you is the amount of enemies that can attack you at once, dozens. You could limit this window to the nearest 8, but then it would be constantly refreshing the nearest targets if there are several.
I think the best thing that could be done is to make it easier to select a target, as it stands it is very difficult to select on a target by clicking on thier image, basicly forcing you to hold Ctrl and select thier name. This is very hastlesome in PVP when an enemy is running past you and your trying to target them but for come reason you cannot select them by clicking on thier gliph. I don't think it should be any easier then this though because selecting your target quickly is a skill of its own, Online FPS gamers have no problem putting that pointer to your head in .01 seconds. It may be a skill difficult for common RPG players, but this is oviously an action pact RPG with fast pace combat, you shouldn't be able to select everything from "Easy Windows".
The deficiency of having a Window with targets attacking you is the amount of enemies that can attack you at once, dozens. You could limit this window to the nearest 8, but then it would be constantly refreshing the nearest targets if there are several.
I think the best thing that could be done is to make it easier to select a target, as it stands it is very difficult to select on a target by clicking on thier image, basicly forcing you to hold Ctrl and select thier name. This is very hastlesome in PVP when an enemy is running past you and your trying to target them but for come reason you cannot select them by clicking on thier gliph. I don't think it should be any easier then this though because selecting your target quickly is a skill of its own, Online FPS gamers have no problem putting that pointer to your head in .01 seconds. It may be a skill difficult for common RPG players, but this is oviously an action pact RPG with fast pace combat, you shouldn't be able to select everything from "Easy Windows".