After spending 200K on dyes ...



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



it was time for me to ask some good ol' GWG help

After getting the dye for 4 of my armor parts, which I'm very glad about, I still hat my pants to dye, which is orgininaly green.. I'm trying to find a very specific dye, and I simply can't get it, and I'm starting to doubt it even excists. I was looking for the color shown in this picture, but it's just impossible to get something specific in that way.

If you think, "I want a nice pink!", everything close to pink is just fine, but in this situation for example, I want it to be exactly that color on my chest, but it's just too damn hard. And I doubt I'm the only one with this problem (probably I am, but it sounds good).

Now I'm wondering.. Why isn't there a dye program? If you know photoshop, you most likely already know the color picker, but in case you don't know it, here is a picture. That way there's no color you can't pick, and there's no more crap about finding dye combos for hours and hours. You just pick a color, and the program tells you the dyes you need, because this is quite frustrating..

Thanks for reading



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

I can't see shit


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

The problem with dying is that part of your base color gets applied to the dye too. For example, most Mesmer armors are green. When you dye those green armors, a slight tint of green still shows, which throws off many mixes. Since each armor has a slightly different base, a dye combo that looks great on one may look like crap on others.

Jas D

Jas D

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Oklahoma, USA


Originally Posted by noblepaladin
For example, most Mesmer armors are green. When you dye those green armors, a slight tint of green still shows,
Yep, I had a female mesmer and dyed her armor black, it was more of a black with a green tint also. Very annoying, I doubt you'll get the color you're looking for. I hope you do though, there's not much I can offer you except this:

But I doub't that even helps.. sorry. :|



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


You forgot to tell us what armor you're dying.. sounds like a mesmer armor.. but.. that's not gonna help much as each mesmer armor dyes slightly different and the example pic is fissure armor, which dyes differently again (from what I've heard).


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Arctic Marauders [TAM]

Maybe that will help....?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

That isn't a dyable area on the Mesmer FoW... Notice the heartier brown? Thats the dye, the other part is just standard.



Join Date: Mar 2006



Do you know if you can dye a mesmer lords armor gold?