Question about Shields, AL and Damage Reduction



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


I am wondering how wearing a shield affects the damage you receive. I know that each piece of armor has a certain percentage of probability that it will take damage and that is factored in when you get hit by something. I noticed in the Game Mechanics article that it says "Additional defensive measures, such as an armor-boosting enchantment or a shield, are added to the target's defense, regardless of hit location." doesn't that mean that 15 armor from the shield would be added to the piece of armor that is struck? And that the received damage would be less?

I was wondering because I haven't noticed any difference in using a shield. In pre-searing I found a cool shield that is Armor 5 (+10 vs Charr) with no reqs. So if I am being attacked by Charr, that should be the equivalent of an Armor 16 shield. While I was charr-hunting, I switched weapon sets and put on the Armor 15 vs Charr shield after one of the Charr Axe Fiends started hacking away at me. I didn't see any difference in the numbers of damage I was taking. I went charr-hunting several times and never noticed any difference in the damage I received using the 15vsCharr shield, a regular Armor 5 shield, and no shield at all (using a bow). Needless to say, I was disappointed.

If anyone could explain the way shields are supposed to help without a shield skill, that would be cool

Edit: Ok, I need to get glasses, my shield was Armor 5, not 6, for the +10vsCharr. So 15vsCharr total. And I did notice damage reduction using a shield vs not using one with other enemies, but still not against the charr.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by ducktape
I am wondering how wearing a shield affects the damage you receive. I know that each piece of armor has a certain percentage of probability that it will take damage and that is factored in when you get hit by something. I noticed in the Game Mechanics article that it says "Additional defensive measures, such as an armor-boosting enchantment or a shield, are added to the target's defense, regardless of hit location." doesn't that mean that 16 armor from the shield would be added to the piece of armor that is struck? And that the received damage would be less?
Yes, that's how it works. Shields only apply to attacks from the front, however. What level were you, what was your armor level, and what damage numbers did you get?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Does the shield affect elemental spells, either direct daage or projectile based?

The time you most want the shield's armor is when you are running away and they are hitting you in the back, you won't get the shields armor. I would chose my shield more on the modifiers it gives, not necessarily the req or the max AL for practical use. For instance I am looking for a -2 dmg enchanted, -5/20% shield for my monk if that combination of modifiers is possible. I certainly won't care about the req or the AL, although that use is a bit non-standard.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by Savio
What level were you, what was your armor level, and what damage numbers did you get?
Level 8, armor 5 (puny necro armor) getting 11 damage each hit from the charr axe fiend no matter what I'm holding. I went back and tested the shield/no shield stuff on other enemies, and couldn't tell a difference until I fought the Skale Brood in the cave by the mill at Ashford. When I used a shield, the damage from his Ice Spear was less! I was thrilled. I couldn't find a difference before because I was fighting bears, wolves, bandits, etc, who only did 2-3 damage.

I still get the same damage (-11) from the charr with or without shields. Is that because they are level 8 instead of level 3, and although I am getting bumped up by 5 or 15 AL it doesn't help enough to noticeably protect me? Even with +15 from the charr shield (total AL:20) the chart says I'll take 200% normal damage. I'm glad that sheilds do help, but I don't quite understand how much armor I would theoretically need to notice damage reduction against the charr in this situation.