I was wondering because I haven't noticed any difference in using a shield. In pre-searing I found a cool shield that is Armor 5 (+10 vs Charr) with no reqs. So if I am being attacked by Charr, that should be the equivalent of an Armor 16 shield. While I was charr-hunting, I switched weapon sets and put on the Armor 15 vs Charr shield after one of the Charr Axe Fiends started hacking away at me. I didn't see any difference in the numbers of damage I was taking. I went charr-hunting several times and never noticed any difference in the damage I received using the 15vsCharr shield, a regular Armor 5 shield, and no shield at all (using a bow). Needless to say, I was disappointed.
If anyone could explain the way shields are supposed to help without a shield skill, that would be cool
Edit: Ok, I need to get glasses, my shield was Armor 5, not 6, for the +10vsCharr. So 15vsCharr total. And I did notice damage reduction using a shield vs not using one with other enemies, but still not against the charr.