Monk Protest: Drok's International 1




Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by TimberOwl
A) They have crap grammar
B) The sentences don't make any bit of sense due to the bot probably making a mess of the chat.
That's actually typical of most american players too.

Originally Posted by wolfe2dale
Let's see...I have never bought anything in town, EVER. I get my items either from honest drops to me or trades within my Guild.

Stop trying to tar every player with the same brush. Just because you want to cheat doesn't mean everyone else does.
Uhh, explain how that is aimed at everyone, or even you directly. Awfully defensive over something not even directed at you. Why is that?



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by ShadowStorm
Actually you can body block in town though it's much harder than you might think. You have to manipulate the wandering dwarves into the right positions, since they can body block players, and then you have to keep them there by bodyblocking them.
i dont know whats sadder, someone spending the time to figure this out or actually coming up with the idea in the first place.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Raif
i dont know whats sadder, someone spending the time to figure this out or actually coming up with the idea in the first place.
I don't think it's so sad at all. I was body-blocked by two ascalon soldiers in Ascalon-City (Pre-Searing) once and it took quite some time till they released me, because they were wandering in opposite directions with me between them... And of course there was the a wall on one side that helped them blocking me :-)




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Total waste of monks such as the so called Monks on strike in T-head. But this time it's in the International District, so I really don't care cause it doesn't affect America servers. Unless to those people who just go there to be seen which I think as well a waste of time to do a wannabe strike in a game you bought.

The Real Roy Keane

The Real Roy Keane

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Dublin, Ireland

Originally Posted by Linsys
Its Drok's not Drogs...
When I have nothing to do, and don't feel like logging off, I like to go to Beacon's Perch just to witness all the ugly mispellings of 'Droknar's..'
'Lf runer to drognars forge'
'lFg ruiner to draknars forge'
'lf runner to drordars forge'
'Pr0 running to drugnirs forge..'

The list goes on and on.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by Thom
Gah, I hope anet closes this soon *eyeroll*.

Asians think all white people look the same and my chinese friends are impressed that I can pick out a german or english person. I'm not going to lot worry too much about confusing various asian scripts.
If you think all white people look the same, then you are just as bad as the people who think all asians look the same. Do all black look the same too? Maybe you should pay more attention to the people around you.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by mrbb
Originally Posted by Thom
Gah, I hope anet closes this soon *eyeroll*.

Asians think all white people look the same and my chinese friends are impressed that I can pick out a german or english person. I'm not going to lot worry too much about confusing various asian scripts.
If you think all white people look the same, then you are just as bad as the people who think all asians look the same. Do all black look the same too? Maybe you should pay more attention to the people around you.
you, obviously, have reading comprehension issues. The original quote was in response to someone that had made the statement that he is offended by people who say all asian writings look the same. They might not look the same to someone who knows tha languages but they look extremely similar to me, as i am sure english, german, french and the like look to them. Read his quote again, it says his chinese friends are impressed he can distinguish between german, american, french or what have you. Not once did he say that he couldnt tell the difference between white people, or black people or asians.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Originally Posted by Thom
Gah, I hope anet closes this soon *eyeroll*.

Asians think all white people look the same and my chinese friends are impressed that I can pick out a german or english person. I'm not going to lot worry too much about confusing various asian scripts.
Wow dude I agree with the other two above me, if you think Asians think all whites look the same. Get off ya damn computer and go into the world. Frankly im Asian and whites don't all look the same. But seriously dude get off ya computer and go into the world.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


lol..I am Asian too. It is an awful large continent you know. :P

<<MY pic

The New Guy

The New Guy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Southern CALI



Originally Posted by Fist_of_God
lol..I am Asian too. It is an awful large continent you know. :P

<<MY pic
Kinda looks like a Mexican there ese!

Wait, Monks are protesting again?? PAAAAARRRTTEEEEE!!!!!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


Yea, I have had a few people say I look Mexican, but I am even worse..oh dear oh noes!!! I am Iranian

Cyan The Archer

Cyan The Archer

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by Blaze Emup
Sadly just a few minutes ago i was bored enough to mess with the farmers. I invited every one of them to my party. Surprisingly alot of them accepted and when we got outside they just said "?" said some mumbo jumbo then went back in. I thought more of them would be bots. I did catch a few that were bots. You can follow them around and pick up drops. Its hilarious.
I did try this today. I'm not sure if the guy i picked up was a bot, but he tried to say something in chinese to me and suddenly started using the enchantments they use.
Then suddenly he began to call me "a dog"
"Are you a dog?"
"Dog?" He said... Wtf does he mean with a "dog"?!? I have no idea if he actually tried to insult me.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Two months ago the talk was about the shortage of monks in upper level game and all the new monks in pre heading for post.

Now we know the real story. All those people made monks so they could NOT play the game, but stand around and protest.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Cyan The Archer
I did try this today. I'm not sure if the guy i picked up was a bot, but he tried to say something in chinese to me and suddenly started using the enchantments they use.
Then suddenly he began to call me "a dog"
"Are you a dog?"
"Dog?" He said... Wtf does he mean with a "dog"?!? I have no idea if he actually tried to insult me.
It is the year of the dog, if I am not mistaken. You shoulda just said ruf ruf.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by fiery
Wow dude I agree with the other two above me, if you think Asians think all whites look the same. Get off ya damn computer and go into the world. Frankly im Asian and whites don't all look the same. But seriously dude get off ya computer and go into the world.
lol, most whites aren't even white(unless they goth). Most so-called whites, are a light pink(flesh tone) imho.

Mercury Angel

Mercury Angel

Avatar of Gwen

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wandering my own road.

Ok, this thread has wandered into the dark side; trolling, partial-flames, and off-topicness. Since the bulk of the posts are one or more of the aforementioned, /closed.