Wake up Mr. Sai of Winterland :P
We should all poke sai. I know I do everytime I see him
Originally Posted by sirelricthemad
We should all poke sai. I know I do everytime I see him
Hmm that gives me an idea.... get out you cattle-prods
beleg curudin
Someone called me ugly and told me to leave for Sai, ;_; I had just typed /afk minutes before that, NoPain XD, but ok then, I won't steal Sai's thunder, I like yaks bend more anyhow, but no one ever noticed me there before, only till i moved my afk spot to Sais did I warrent a picture.
Sai of Winter
That's not my spot, I just sit there sometimes when I'm doing something else or going out for awhile. There are other spots I sit randomly in LA and LA is just a place I go to.
People shouldn't make a fuss if you're sitting in that spot, Beleg. It's okay and remember, pay no attention to the short Monk with the giant pumpkin head.
People shouldn't make a fuss if you're sitting in that spot, Beleg. It's okay and remember, pay no attention to the short Monk with the giant pumpkin head.
beleg curudin
Well, running into Gaile that one day was awesome, although I was sleeping.
Sai moves! Here he is at the party at Yaks
Yay for [afk]! Sai ftw
beleg curudin
XD so he came to my spot, well you can have it, I will take LA
Criminally Sane
Yeah, Sai's a great addition to our guild. Proud to lead you all.