save game in the field!!!!
we need a save game thing. It's frustrating to explore for an hour, two hours or more and then when it's time to quit you have to go back to the city... I'd like to be able to save my progress and then return to the same point next time i log in. I realize this is difficult, but what if you had the option to set up camp. You could pitch a tent (make sure the area is clear of MOBs.) and then go into your tent and log out. Anybody in the team would get an option on log-in to either start out at the encampment that you've set up or to start in a city. Anyone in the team who goes to the city would lose the camp on their map (it's not a waypoint) and the team would then have that member replaced with the closest matching henchman
I'd like to point out how much this would add to the RP feel of the game. Especially if you could negate the "weakened by death" when you set up camp for a while (don't necessarily have to log out). It'd be great.
I'd like to point out how much this would add to the RP feel of the game. Especially if you could negate the "weakened by death" when you set up camp for a while (don't necessarily have to log out). It'd be great.
Rather not, this would take too much server load.
why would it? your pc remembers the location. The only difference is that you'd be starting out right away in a map instead of starting in the shared city and then going to the map.
Indeed, too much server load, as it would require keeping a constant district open for that and all other members of the team and saving all progress within, requiring as well a large change in the systems, and really unless you're running along Snake Dance, you're 10 minutes from any town, especially if you have explored for 2 hours or more, towns should be unlocked for you to teleport to, and then make a new team, this is also why all people zone or else people leave the group to go back to town. Already there is alot of extra from the amount of people who do solo exploration and cooperative missions. And while camping to remove weakness sounds nice, the problem is people have a mass of time on their hands...this just almost makes it useless for exploration through difficult areas.
not to mention you could save at an exploitable location and just keep reloading to get that "phat lewt" or however you say it
it would reck the game........also their would be less flow and would create more lag
wouldn't work. while you could do single player with hench, but most missions and quests are played by real players in groups. how would you arrange time to pick up where you left off? beside you can finish most quest/mission within 1 hour, some maybe 2 hours tops, doesn't need to camp. if you have to leave for a bit and you are soloing, just leaving the char in a safe spot with no enemies and play again later.
FAILURE!!!! go home slugfly!!!

were it possible without causing lag I still think it would be a great idea though..

were it possible without causing lag I still think it would be a great idea though..

I think it would be a very poor idea, being able to save your location anywhere is cheap and too easy. Furthermore, if you can save it on your computer then it can be edited, and hacked. You can already teleport to any unlocked towns, and once you find all the towns your rarly more then a 30 minute trip from any location. Discovering all the hidden towns and exploring the map are fun and functional parts of the game.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
I think it would be a very poor idea, being able to save your location anywhere is cheap and too easy. Furthermore, if you can save it on your computer then it can be edited, and hacked. You can already teleport to any unlocked towns, and once you find all the towns your rarly more then a 30 minute trip from any location. Discovering all the hidden towns and exploring the map are fun and functional parts of the game.
When you put saved material on a persons computer they can work on it offline, that's a totaly different ballpark from using hacks wile being connected to game servers who can track you as you cheat.
Even Diablo2 didn't have the ability to on-line save. They had waypoints but that's it..... Beyond the tech aspects of such a feat...I prefer my on-line games to not have that type of gameplay. Maybe it's just because I'm used to on-line being that way...but to me, it makes things more interesting. Sometimes, yes, more frustrating too...but interesting.

Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
why would it? your pc remembers the location. The only difference is that you'd be starting out right away in a map instead of starting in the shared city and then going to the map.
Dragon X
maybe theres a possibility of teleporting to more places. like common places...not just cities...and bases and such.
then you dont have to run as far but u still have to run. wouldnt cause much lag because you still end up in the city at first. its like teleporting to a city.
then you dont have to run as far but u still have to run. wouldnt cause much lag because you still end up in the city at first. its like teleporting to a city.
Teleporting to closer locations is exactly what the cities are. Making anymore locations would basicly put you exactly where ever you want. The time it takes to do a quest if you know what your doing is almost never over 30 minutes, 10 most of the time, making it easier to pop up or save your spot would make it too easy. Hell, it already is very, very easy, if it were any easier players would complain about how easy it was.
I like the way that you have to find the cities to teleport places. It makes me want to actually find cities I wouldn't give a shit about otherwise...

okay... since I was shot down en masse, let me revampe my idea here. I want to build a campfire and pitch a tent (toss the whole save thing) I want to be able to feel like I really am on a long journey in the wilds. The save game thing was really just a practical justification... but perhaps it would create a new revive point, or eliminate the "weakened by death" or maybe just add 2 or 4 to your morale (taking 2 or 4 away from the death penalty if you'd been weakened).
You mean kind of like creating a city-type place on the spot? Still creates more lag, and besides, we don't even need this. quests don't take terribly long (you can always teleport to nearest city), and missions always have that "city area" you start out at.
I dislike the whole concept, not your specific idea per se.
I dislike the whole concept, not your specific idea per se.

Originally Posted by ManadartheHealer
You mean kind of like creating a city-type place on the spot? Still creates more lag, and besides, we don't even need this. quests don't take terribly long (you can always teleport to nearest city), and missions always have that "city area" you start out at.
I dislike the whole concept, not your specific idea per se. ![]() |
Not even that. The rez shrine, the bonus to morale (or partial heal of death penalty), or travel point are just justifications. What I want is to be able to pitch tents and build a campfire while on the road. We don't need it sure, but we also don't need to have trees when obviously cliff walls suffice for marking out borders. We don't need varations on the same monster. We don't need Ascalon Settlers roaming about when they obviously don't do anything, It's the pointless things that make a game more real (and I was actually trying to add a point).
I can't even imagine how much code it would take to implement this feature. Not saying it wouldn't be nice, but I bet it would take several man months of development time to implement.
Bad idea. No pitching a tent. No saving. If it takes more than 30-45 minutes to get through a zone, perhaps you're doing something wrong? Maybe too low level for the mobs there?