Always downloads 1 512Kb file


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005



For the last week or so every time I login and select my character when loading the map it shows "downloading 32 files" then drops to 1file and downloads about 512K worth of data.

If I log off and back on to change guys, it repeats the process (application never was closed).

this seems to only happen after logging in even if the map/zone I'm starting in is the same one I just left.

has anyone else saw this? I tried to post something on the guildwars support site but apparently playNC isn't function right today because it just keeps bouncing back to the account mgmt not available screen when you try to post an issue

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Yes your suposed to have that. Guild Wars has been Pre-Streaming files for Factions to us for when the 1 week release comes out, so we dont have to download 1 huge file. Instead they allow us to download smaller sets a files over a period of time.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005



well that I know but if I leave it at the logon screen like they suggest, nothing streams. It's ONLY after I login do I get this

the biggest pain is i'm on dialup so it takes me 3-5min just to even switch char's



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Dest
well that I know but if I leave it at the logon screen like they suggest, nothing streams. It's ONLY after I login do I get this

the biggest pain is i'm on dialup so it takes me 3-5min just to even switch char's
i share your pain
still didnt finish downloading last weeks' update