Get your WINGS!!
what i want is a halo wings and being able to float like the mursaat... or i want a santa suit that makes you fat! santa ftw!
i had this idea pop in my head
how about for changeable backgear a backpack offcourse bearing ure emblem yust find it a little silly seeing my char pick up 10 swords and hiding em in his pants
how about for changeable backgear a backpack offcourse bearing ure emblem yust find it a little silly seeing my char pick up 10 swords and hiding em in his pants
Originally Posted by Elena
i had this idea pop in my head
how about for changeable backgear a backpack offcourse bearing ure emblem yust find it a little silly seeing my char pick up 10 swords and hiding em in his pants | that avatar Dark Magician Girl? Its so cute!!
Glint has wings, and so does Kunavang. Whether or not you "fly" (float over the ground, or not, it is a nice ordiment. I think it would be unusual if we had actual wings, I would perfer a new race with wings if they were going to add that. For the most part, I thought ordimental wing pieces are just a nice backpiece, it is just more interesting than our silly mantles.
Personally, I find all these holiday festivals and events alot more silly than character customization and decoration options. I want my characters to look good, and natural, and a variety of personal backpiece options that look good and fit my character are alot more important to me than side hobbies, it may not be important to you, but it is a perfectly reasonable addition.
Personally, I find all these holiday festivals and events alot more silly than character customization and decoration options. I want my characters to look good, and natural, and a variety of personal backpiece options that look good and fit my character are alot more important to me than side hobbies, it may not be important to you, but it is a perfectly reasonable addition.
Originally Posted by Xaero Gouki Kriegor
and btw the wings came from:
Lyohn S
starter nec armour in nightfall has little wings
would the wings just be an armor upgrade?
woot, paragons will have wings in game when casting spells or something like that! Look on nightfall forum
see, wings, now all that needs to be done is find which skills trigger them
My bet are some of the elites (awe, angelic bond)
GW's District style limitation make them nearly worthless if you can't show them in districts. However maybe those who get Nightfall CE is able to show them during emotes or something. Eg. Wings appear during dancing.
Lady Lozza
I'm not really in favour of wings at all. Furthermore since we can equip stuff in cities and in explorable areas, can you imagine the hassle you would get into with the map clipping? If you have tried going for the explorer titles you know this is a bad idea. Equipable or not. Besides which, head gear should be head gear.
OT (kinda) Can we have guys in leopard print g-strings, oh and collared, with a leesh female characters can use?
OT (kinda) Can we have guys in leopard print g-strings, oh and collared, with a leesh female characters can use?
angel back up dancers, LOL
It's Guild WARS not Barbie butterfly adventures.
So no wings and flowery stuff.
So no wings and flowery stuff.
maybe we can get angel wings as xmas present
Paragon rise on wings every time they cast a chant skill, it wasn't what I was thinking of, but it is really nice, and it adds that little bit of extra flavor to Paragons character which makes it iconic.
ya i hav noticed that and it looks way cool
Personally if they had wings I would prefer them as some sort of animation like with paragon wings.