How do YOU control your character in PvP??



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



I often find myself too busy clicking on the skills in my skillbar to notice what's going on on the screen, so I often get killed this way. It would be nice to not look at your skillbar when you are fighting, but I cant remember the keys on the keyboard for all 8 skills.

How do you control your character? Mabe you mapped your keys a certain way? Mabe you customized your skillbar in an efficient way? Mabe there's something I dont know about?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Well you can just go 1 through 8 on the numbers along the top of the keyboard?

I go almost completely keyboard. On my left hand:
thumb on space, pinky on tab, ring, middle and index on 1,2,3 rerespectively. Can easily move over to 4, 5, 6 with index that way. Also easy to move down to next row for Q and E for strafing.

Right hand I use the arrow keys and position index for \ to change to nearest target.

As for customizing skills on the bar, I just know that I usually work from left to right on my bar so I start down the line. You get used to it after a while. Are you an experienced touch typist or a hunt and peck type?

That can make a huge difference in the way you play.

Manda Panda

Manda Panda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadow Wanderers

I have my skills mapped to the number pad, that way I have my left hand for movement, my right hand for skills, and I never have to take my eyes off the keyboard.

Also, I have it configured so that my target's health bar, my health and energy, and my status icons are all to the right of my screen by the party window, so all important info is in one place.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



Originally Posted by Cherno
Are you an experienced touch typist or a hunt and peck type?

Somewhere in between actually. I'm at a point where I catch myself not looking at a keyboard while typing, but when I start to think about it, I get confused and I gotta look at the keyboard.
I cant type with all fingers, and I cant touch type.

Originally Posted by Manda Panda
I have my skills mapped to the number pad, that way I have my left hand for movement, my right hand for skills, and I never have to take my eyes off the keyboard.

Also, I have it configured so that my target's health bar, my health and energy, and my status icons are all to the right of my screen by the party window, so all important info is in one place.
See, that's waht I was actualy thinking to do... I'll try that.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Lords of All


I use an n52 for all virtually all controls in the game. Anything I need to do is the press of my thumb on the d-pad to select a shift state, and then a key either in the wasd configuration or at most one key away from it. I mainly use the mouse for picking out targets by clicking their names. Although sometimes I find myself clicking spells, which arranged in a double height bar in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Qu??bec, Canada

The Dark Aeon Knights


Ah ah ah!
I got...

Left Hand:
Pinky on tab, ring middle index on a,w,d respectively and thumb on space. for going back and forth middle goes up and down. the skills...i just move my ring, middle index to 1,2,3 just up there.

Right hand:



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Teklord
I use an n52 for all virtually all controls in the game. Anything I need to do is the press of my thumb on the d-pad to select a shift state, and then a key either in the wasd configuration or at most one key away from it. I mainly use the mouse for picking out targets by clicking their names. Although sometimes I find myself clicking spells, which arranged in a double height bar in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Agreed - N52 FTW

Raging Pacifist

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

The Ocean Machines


I have my left hand on WASD, I have my two most important skills bound to my mouse's extra buttons, and I usually click skills. I keep important skills that aren't as important as the first two in the 2, 3, and 4 slots on my bar so I can tap them quickly.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Chronicles of Heroes [CoH]


I have the skill bar in a 2 rows of 4 configuration and click. Only other mouse function is camera movement, really. I also use ESDF for char movement (WASD moved right one for more buttons for the pinky).

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


I use the random battles to memorize my skills. After a while I know them blindly. The more energy needed for a skill, the higher number I have to type to use it. After a few hours of battling, you should know them blindly, and when you replace skills, make sure that you memorize it again, unless you replace it with a similar(better) skill.
I always have four fingers on the 1, 2, 3 and 4, because those are the ones I use most and are cheapest in energy.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Mo Mo Patty Blinks [MoMo]


Originally Posted by Manda Panda
I have my skills mapped to the number pad, that way I have my left hand for movement, my right hand for skills, and I never have to take my eyes off the keyboard.

Also, I have it configured so that my target's health bar, my health and energy, and my status icons are all to the right of my screen by the party window, so all important info is in one place.
Ya, I have everything and it's uncle crammed onto the right side of my screen. I've got my health bar along the right side of the screen vertically. My skillbar on the bottom right corner of the screen, with a long, fat energy bar stretching above that. Framed by my health bar and energy bar is my party member bar, with my maintained enchantment notifier running vertically along side it. My compass where it started out, and between my compass and my party bar I have the selected target bar.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


I use the W/A/S/D on keyboard to move Numbers on keyboard and mouse for movement and looking around the map.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ftl Fla

Knights of Pallas [KOP]


I bought a Zboard for $9 after rebate and loaded the GW keyset software
and have improved game play 50% better the key layout is great and i can leave my primary kb plugged in to. I use it in conjunction with the mouse.

I even labeled the special keys on the special Key area, by finding the keyset
graphics in the file you d/l for GW and print to a sticky print material and then cut and stick on the keys for memory, As they dont make a KB set for GW like some of the others, this is just a software set but i love it!!! Works Great.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



many interesting solutions.. thanx a lot.


Join Date: Dec 2005




i use 1-4 for skills, and i place the important skills in there, like warrior attack skills or interrupts

5 to 8 are stances or secondary spells, 8 is for res signet
i use this skills by clicking it with the mouse


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Fingers on QEWASD for movement
Tab for cycling
1-4 for oft-used skills
Mouse for skills 5-8

I also keep other important keys in reach; X, Ctrl etc.