EXPerienced or not EXPerienced?
Okay, so basically my question/discussion topic is this:
If a person says, for example "EXP Tank LFG for MISSION!!!" would you be more inclined, or less inclined to get that person.
Personally, whenever I see someone spamming the EXP word, I'm less inclined to accept them. I've had experience with these people where they just continually crap on about how much experience they have, only to watch them die in front of me.
What're your views?
If a person says, for example "EXP Tank LFG for MISSION!!!" would you be more inclined, or less inclined to get that person.
Personally, whenever I see someone spamming the EXP word, I'm less inclined to accept them. I've had experience with these people where they just continually crap on about how much experience they have, only to watch them die in front of me.
What're your views?
It's a tossup. I'd rather judge on whether or not the person is patient or impatient in getting the party going. Often, impatient people tend to get the party into situations where they will lose a mission or will have a lot of grief along the way.
Now, if someone starts shouting their experience(points), then I don't normally look for that person. Experience says a lot about farming capacity... but not anything else.
Now, if someone starts shouting their experience(points), then I don't normally look for that person. Experience says a lot about farming capacity... but not anything else.
Everyone dies at one point or another. However, I would probably tend not to include such people. I see it as they are trying to hold themselves up as being better or higher than others and that they are trying to sell themselves into a group. I'd rather just take someone who states what they are, and why they are there. Then once invited into the group chat with them and determine from conversation if I've got a lemon or someone to keep.
I usually don't group with them or the people who are shouting with cap lock on...
uggh makes me look elsewhere for a party.
I saw in the Citadel a few nights ago "2 MONKS LFG FOR SKILL CAPPING" sounds good on the surface but these two monks were lvls 10 and 11
I was also on my monk and the lvl 11 said to me "*insert name of lvl 10 monk* will be our healer"
I left that group quickly as I am not about to trust all the healing to someone who is half my lvl...
uggh makes me look elsewhere for a party.
I saw in the Citadel a few nights ago "2 MONKS LFG FOR SKILL CAPPING" sounds good on the surface but these two monks were lvls 10 and 11
I was also on my monk and the lvl 11 said to me "*insert name of lvl 10 monk* will be our healer"
I left that group quickly as I am not about to trust all the healing to someone who is half my lvl...
The problem is people just use whatever language they like unfittingly so it gets to the point where a word or phrase does'nt mean anything. Anyone and everyone can say exp for experienced or expert, pro etc so that when somone fitting their claim comes along and says it then because of all the morons that spam it undeservedly it means little to alot of people.
I dont mind exp personally (but i hate pro) it just means little to me in choosing my team. If I need a tank, ill get a tank.
I dont mind exp personally (but i hate pro) it just means little to me in choosing my team. If I need a tank, ill get a tank.
personly he could be not telling the truth. he could be a noob just trying to get into the group.
Hehe, if it's a mission, my question to them is: experienced in what? failing this mission?
Pevil Lihatuh
far less inclined. it could go any way.
1. is in fact experienced and fun. yay
2. is experienced, but thinks he knows it all... makes life hell if you put one foot out of line
3. is experienced... at screwing it up. has tried it 20 times and never done it
4. actually has no clue and is hopelessly trying to hang onto his "no honest i've done it" facade
5. actually has no clue but is fun
Personally (if i even still took groups that is, long live henchies!) I'd be far more inclined to go with a "Warrior LFG " or a "tank needs group to beat mission"... or even something creative. About the only thing you can believe is that someone who spends a lot of time both looking for the group (instead of 1 sec spams of war LFG) and also getting ready to set out (instead of gogogogogogogogo) then they're *99% likely to be* a good team member.
I'd rather have someone who's nice and willing to learn than someone who's intent on showing off. I don't care if a mission takes 3 hours longer than it should (unless its Elonas ) as long as its fun. Being told to "step here, don't do that, use this skill, i know what I'm doing" just isn't fun.
Of course one of the main problems is everyone is so darn elitist that you have to play the exp tag just to try and even get a chance of being looked at.
1. is in fact experienced and fun. yay
2. is experienced, but thinks he knows it all... makes life hell if you put one foot out of line
3. is experienced... at screwing it up. has tried it 20 times and never done it
4. actually has no clue and is hopelessly trying to hang onto his "no honest i've done it" facade
5. actually has no clue but is fun
Personally (if i even still took groups that is, long live henchies!) I'd be far more inclined to go with a "Warrior LFG " or a "tank needs group to beat mission"... or even something creative. About the only thing you can believe is that someone who spends a lot of time both looking for the group (instead of 1 sec spams of war LFG) and also getting ready to set out (instead of gogogogogogogogo) then they're *99% likely to be* a good team member.
I'd rather have someone who's nice and willing to learn than someone who's intent on showing off. I don't care if a mission takes 3 hours longer than it should (unless its Elonas ) as long as its fun. Being told to "step here, don't do that, use this skill, i know what I'm doing" just isn't fun.
Of course one of the main problems is everyone is so darn elitist that you have to play the exp tag just to try and even get a chance of being looked at.
I was in an group composed of "experienced" people once. Everybody went their own way thinking they were the leader, and we were subsequently wiped.
How about this:
Nub tank LFG for mission!
Nub tank LFG for mission!
i thik they are just desperate to get into a group but who isn't these days.
i just pick whatever proffesion the team needs.
i just pick whatever proffesion the team needs.
However if they had alot of experience it would mean they have done that mossion so they would know what to do.
however there would be no way to check to see it that is the chase.
however there would be no way to check to see it that is the chase.
Cottage Pie
I don't know, when I advertise myself as experienced it's probably because I am. I have FoW armour too, but hey, I could be a noob ebayer, argh!
I agree with what someone said about patience in getting the party going, that says everything about a player, imo, 10 hours or 1000 hours, it's all about attitude in the end.
I agree with what someone said about patience in getting the party going, that says everything about a player, imo, 10 hours or 1000 hours, it's all about attitude in the end.
it all depends where you are at. if you are going thru the missions in the game and someone says "exp blah blah LFG for mission" ill usually try to get them in my group.
but when you are in TOA and you see "exp blah blah lfg for uw/fow" i dont look twice at them. from my experience with those people they are the NEPs just looking to get into any group
but when you are in TOA and you see "exp blah blah lfg for uw/fow" i dont look twice at them. from my experience with those people they are the NEPs just looking to get into any group
Minus Sign
Its rare to see people who actually ARE so experienced in a mission/farm spamming ALL chat for a PUG. Thats just simple fact; if they're as good as they want you to think, they probably have a guild to farm with or can run the mission with henchies.
Joining groups with a leader like that, you can be assured that the build you prefer will recieve only lip service as they insist you play "their" way. Picking up such people for your group? You'll get a gear farming tank with Shield Stance 9 times in 10.
When I do feel like a pug farm, I do so unassumingly. I grab my build and go, call my proffession and play style, or look for a group thats looking for me and whisper them.
Joining groups with a leader like that, you can be assured that the build you prefer will recieve only lip service as they insist you play "their" way. Picking up such people for your group? You'll get a gear farming tank with Shield Stance 9 times in 10.
When I do feel like a pug farm, I do so unassumingly. I grab my build and go, call my proffession and play style, or look for a group thats looking for me and whisper them.
chaos dragoon
Im less inclined to accept them. Saying you experienced is one thing. Being experienced is another. On a side note anyone that says gogogogogogogogo gets the response of byebyebyebyebyebye.Never let those impatient ones in the group, they are most likely rushers and heavy aggro'ers
"Experienced" is a relative statement of individual opinion. It holds no credibility other than an arbitrary way of finding another individual who percieve themselves as an expert. Some people think that opening the Guild Wars box was an experience in itself...
Cottage Pie
Originally Posted by chaos dragoon
Im less inclined to accept them. Saying you experienced is one thing. Being experienced is another. On a side note anyone that says gogogogogogogogo gets the response of byebyebyebyebyebye.Never let those impatient ones in the group, they are most likely rushers and heavy aggro'ers
*nods franitcally*
*head drops off*
Originally Posted by chaos dragoon
Originally Posted by Jakerius
Personally, whenever I see someone spamming the EXP word, I'm less inclined to accept them. I've had experience with these people where they just continually crap on about how much experience they have, only to watch them die in front of me.
What're your views? |
FYI, whenever I look for a group I try to inject a bit of twisted humor into my LFG spam. Like: "Masochistic shutdown/interrupt mesmer who has done this mission too many times for fun LFG" (Abbadon's Mouth), or "Housebroken & Obedient Tank that can listen to instructions LFG!" That last one got my warrior into a group in less than thirty seconds at the Ring of Fire. Went on to beat that mission too.
Lord Iowerth
Two factors I look at are:
1)Did they type that in all caps? ie, "EXP W/MO LF GOOD GROUP!!!!!!!"
2)Did they bother to write out "experienced" or just "EXP" ?
Chances are, if you see someone calmly state "Experienced MM looking for mission group" or something similar: they are less likely to be a total asshat
1)Did they type that in all caps? ie, "EXP W/MO LF GOOD GROUP!!!!!!!"
2)Did they bother to write out "experienced" or just "EXP" ?
Chances are, if you see someone calmly state "Experienced MM looking for mission group" or something similar: they are less likely to be a total asshat
I use it all the time. Exp. Whatever LFG for Whatever. Your gonna take that however you like, if your paranoid and worried about people lying all the time, then you can pass me over, your loss.
what piss me off is when I see something like this:
"Rank 6 W/Mo has done this xxxxxtimes LFG- no NOOBS plz"
what's pve have to do with rank?
"Rank 6 W/Mo has done this xxxxxtimes LFG- no NOOBS plz"
what's pve have to do with rank?
im not really more inclined or less inclined to invite that person, of course if the person shouts out a bunch of crap about how l33t he is, or spams that hes a tank, then i will probably not invite him/her.
I'd be less inclined to work with them. If I need a whatsit, I get a whatsit. If you're experienced, great! But, I'll take "patient" over "experienced" any day of the week. Especially now that I'm trying to get my healer through THK. You'd think people would learn not to rush ahead by then, but nooooooo....
Honestly, the guys that spam "EXP (insert cookie cutter build here) LFG!" are the ones that rush, and have no tolorance for anything that doesn't fit inside thier perfect little box. I'd rather have fun losing 12 times in a row than getting grief for not being "perfect".
Honestly, the guys that spam "EXP (insert cookie cutter build here) LFG!" are the ones that rush, and have no tolorance for anything that doesn't fit inside thier perfect little box. I'd rather have fun losing 12 times in a row than getting grief for not being "perfect".
Originally Posted by Sents
I use it all the time. Exp. Whatever LFG for Whatever. Your gonna take that however you like, if your paranoid and worried about people lying all the time, then you can pass me over, your loss.
Hence the need for a PvE emote so we can discriminate each other like all the PvP people.
UnreaL Pero
Originally Posted by Nater
Hence the need for a PvE emote so we can discriminate each other like all the PvP people.
I don't really mind "EXP", "PRO" and "NO NOOB" parties, I'm just less inclined to join. The reason is, I could be griefed no end because super-pro person in that party thinks everyone should bend over for him and play it like he expects. By this I don't mean good gameplay, just if he says jump, you jump, and you are n00b either way.
The second reason is, such parties usually form somewhat later in the game (from desert to precipice) and they do usually tend to get killed in the first 3 skirmishes of the mission. That's my experience, I'm not making this up. They may be pro, but are usually unable to function as a team. Best times ever for me were with nonassuming groups (and some very nice AND experienced players - should I add all went schmoovely and enjoyably?)
Another thing - I played with lvl 13 SS necro in Northern Shivs few days ago. Talking about poverleveling and running...completely ruined other's playing experience (since he rushed solo not minding others). The only spell/skill I observed him use (having not much to do) was spiteful... SS practically cleared the whole map. I just don't honestly know why he didn't solo the mission if he was so bent not to wait for our poor non-elite arses. Next I'll be called newb for not using elites in D'Alessio Seaboard...
The second reason is, such parties usually form somewhat later in the game (from desert to precipice) and they do usually tend to get killed in the first 3 skirmishes of the mission. That's my experience, I'm not making this up. They may be pro, but are usually unable to function as a team. Best times ever for me were with nonassuming groups (and some very nice AND experienced players - should I add all went schmoovely and enjoyably?)
Another thing - I played with lvl 13 SS necro in Northern Shivs few days ago. Talking about poverleveling and running...completely ruined other's playing experience (since he rushed solo not minding others). The only spell/skill I observed him use (having not much to do) was spiteful... SS practically cleared the whole map. I just don't honestly know why he didn't solo the mission if he was so bent not to wait for our poor non-elite arses. Next I'll be called newb for not using elites in D'Alessio Seaboard...
Minus Sign
Ok; I got one. Would you be more inclined or less inclined to play in a PvE group that requires TeamSpeak?
Originally Posted by Minus Sign
Ok; I got one. Would you be more inclined or less inclined to play in a PvE group that requires TeamSpeak?
Originally Posted by Jakerius
If a person says, for example "EXP Tank LFG for MISSION!!!" would you be more inclined, or less inclined to get that person.
Mandy Memory
I dont care whos in my group...PVE is easy enough to do solo. So they are just along for the ride.
I don't like to group with people whose ego is bigger than there IQ. That goes for most people who are intent on telling me how great they are - I would rather they showed me and sadly they mostly don't.
Originally Posted by Nater
Hence the need for a PvE emote so we can discriminate each other like all the PvP people.
I never use 'exped mes lfg' because I never use LFG. Real men use blind invites!
I could go into RoF and yell EXP Tank LFG! and would not be lying. I'm pretty experienced as a tank (due to helping guildies, learning agro control). However, I have never done RoF (Still haven't gotten up to it, since I try to avoid PUGs because a) with guildies I know the changes of succes are high (up untill now every mission we've done has been a succes) and b) with guildies I know we'll have fun while doing it). Now I knew I had a point with this entry..
O yeah: So I see EXPerienced as a dubious remark.
O yeah: So I see EXPerienced as a dubious remark.
I sometimes add exp when people are looking for expirienced barragers to go to tombs, but that's just to indicate I've done it before and finished it with a few groups, not to say I'm better than anyone.
Francis Crawford
Originally Posted by dreamhunk
personly he could be not telling the truth. he could be a noob just trying to get into the group.
Originally Posted by Gardar
I sometimes add exp when people are looking for expirienced barragers to go to tombs, but that's just to indicate I've done it before and finished it with a few groups, not to say I'm better than anyone.
When I doing tombs as a ranger, I let people know what level my spirits are. I prefer to take Favorable Winds because I have it higher then Winnowing, I let people know. I call when resurecting my pet, sometimes it reminds everyone to do it. Also when I cast spirits, so people know I am getting it up and they don't have to. I was in a group today and my FW was up for a second and then was disappated by someone casting theirs over it, oddly theirs was a lower level then mine, so it made no sense that they would do that. There were problems with this person for the whole time we were down there. I won't go into that though any further though,
When I get into a group with my monk I normally list the spells I am taking and ask if anyone wants me to switch anything. If the switch makes sense, I am willing. I also don't want to have to deal with anybody asking why I didn't use a spell that I didn't say I was bringing. I have had compliments from whole groups, saying I am fabulous. I have also had people flip out and say I am horrible.
It really depends on the persons experience, and it is proven at the end, succeed or fail. How do they react? Do they flip out at everyone cause they didn't get any greens? Are they ok with trying again after failing, switching a couple things around? As a lot of people have said patience really means the most to a group. No matter what quest or mission it might be. Even the timed one at Elona. Standing around the whole time wont get it done, but rushing in and dying makes it even less likely.
Originally Posted by Lord Iowerth
Two factors I look at are:
1)Did they type that in all caps? ie, "EXP W/MO LF GOOD GROUP!!!!!!!" 2)Did they bother to write out "experienced" or just "EXP" ? Chances are, if you see someone calmly state "Experienced MM looking for mission group" or something similar: they are less likely to be a total asshat |
Sometimes when i put Exp, i don't type it fully. IMO it's just like Wts, gg, Wtb, thnx, etc... Judging some1 by Exp or Experienced is wrong, or that's how i see it.
Every1 was a noolet some time before, and was happy to get a group. If you are a noob, namely noob = "new player" and not noob = "total retard", than why not give you a chance?
Many people use noob as a term for "retard", "moron", "idiot", etc... But IMO noob should only resume to "new player", without any negative aspect.
Bob of Maple Ave
Originally Posted by Lasareth
It's a tossup. I'd rather judge on whether or not the person is patient or impatient in getting the party going. Often, impatient people tend to get the party into situations where they will lose a mission or will have a lot of grief along the way.
How stupid is it to not wait 2 minutes more to put together a good team that may be farming for over 2 hours? You'll get so much more accomplished if you've got the chemistry right.
If someone starts spamming "go", I'll kick them, I don't give a damn. Go take your Ritalin, kid.
I got into the habit of only going with "experienced" players into FoW (and was advertising myself as an "exp" player as well). I was getting into huge arguments with people who said that they'd made it to the Forgemaster 4 times (!). Big wow.
There's no way to tell whether a person is "exp" or not, and moreso, what qualifiers a person is using to categorize himself/herself as "exp".
Also, my experiences have been just as good, and at times better, with n00bs that listen...and they're always the best with people that are just generally cool.
Oh, and I stopped going to FoW around 2-3 PM PST. Not to say that all kids are dumb, but around that time, Retardfest 2006 is in full swing. Any time after 10 PM PST, and you're far more likely to succeed down there.