Question about armor.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005


Lords Of Kryta (LoK)


WOW, I haven't been on here forEVER! Since before Guild Wars Launcehd!!! Wow... anywho, I have a question reguarding armor. I have a Ranger/Mesmer and love Druids armor. Now, I finally got to the Dragon's Lair (Stopped playing for a while) and I believe Drok's is next, right? Well, is that where you can buy the highest defense armor? Or is there another place I can get the strongest Druid's armor?


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

New Jersey

Idiot Savants

Yes, you can buy the highest AL armor at Droknar's Forge. However, you can also buy the 15k set of Druid's armor, which has the same stats but a different look, at Marhan's Grotto.

Here's a picture of the 15k Druid's set. I'm assuming you already know what the normal set looks like .

15k Druid's Female

15k Druid's Male



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005


Lords Of Kryta (LoK)


Thanks alot! So thats what that armor I always saw was. Thats bad ass. I think I'll just get the norm, then when I get enough money, well, you can guess what Im gonna do Once again, thanks.