Elementalist Robe Pre-Searing, where is it?
I am sorry if this has been asked before, but I thank you for any help you can give me.
One of the last things I would like to do before searing is get my next elementalist robe, I have found the collectors for the boots, leggings, and gloves... but can't find the collector for the robe. Can anyone please tell me where to find him/her? Thanks! ^^
One of the last things I would like to do before searing is get my next elementalist robe, I have found the collectors for the boots, leggings, and gloves... but can't find the collector for the robe. Can anyone please tell me where to find him/her? Thanks! ^^
If you mean the elementalist armor, there is no collector for that.

you can't get it from the collector pre-searing
why not
why have upgrades to your boots, gloves and leggings? Sounds like this is something they meant to have but didn't get around too. Having three out of four upgrades pre-searing just doesn't make any sense at all.
i found a small village at the southen area of Reagent valley in pre-searing and there was a collector there i think, but i was with my warrior, maybe its down there? just an idea that :P
Nope, the ele and necros are stuck without body armor in pre-sear

well i found the legs and boots in pre-searing, but thats all i could find
for my elementist

i have found legs at the collector just outside Foible's Fair zone in Wizard's Folley, the gloves from a collector in a town west of the same guy (forgot his name) - across the river, and the boots from the collector in regent's next to the ranger trainer.
I've tried 3 different classes, and so far I've found only been able to find 3 out of the 4 armor pieces. Those classes were Necro, Warrior, and Mesmer. I do believe you can only get 3 out of the 4 for any class.
Pre-searing: I think I found all 4 for my Ranger. And I think my husband was able to get all 4 for his warrior.
Lady Leara
Yeah, there are no robe for elementalist on pre-searing. Poeple with the purple robe running around used the dye remover (50g) to make it look like one.
Originally Posted by GrooveSalad
I've tried 3 different classes, and so far I've found only been able to find 3 out of the 4 armor pieces. Those classes were Necro, Warrior, and Mesmer. I do believe you can only get 3 out of the 4 for any class.
Really it's not such a big deal because once you get to post searing there is a merchant who sells armor class 30 robes for 150 gold. And your aura spell should help you survive the pre-searing just fine.

Originally Posted by Luchaire
I've gotten all 4 for ranger, warrior, and mesmer. Elems and necros are stuck without body armor. Never played a monk, so don't know about them.
Yes. In the Prima guide, there is a list for collectors for armor and there is a listing for one for the Ele's robe. However, there is no such collector in the game, which leads me to believe it was planned but never finished.
Wrath of m0o
thats great---that would explain the 40+ hours i spent looking for it...well it was a good way to de-map all of old ascalon...even the charr ridden side by pikken square.
lol!!! 40+ hours...........
Wrath of m0o
Yes...two whole BWE's before joining the Dark Side...
I dont think any of you could be any more wrong, I have an ele and a nerco that both got a entire suit of collectors armor pre-searing. The only things they cant get are the head pieces. If your stuck try going to Fort Ranik and the little fishing village near where Aidan is, they both had armor for ele and necros.
I got my elementalist's robe pre-sear too, but being as aged as I am, I can't remember the name of the collector or what he (it was definitely a he) collected. So I didn't want to post the appallingly incomplete information.
It WAS in the fishing village however, and it WAS available.
It WAS in the fishing village however, and it WAS available.
Try checking here:
The Warbringer
I know you can, because I also like the people above had all of mine. I, like the other people again don't remember where I got mine either XD
Swampgirl Inez
I got my Ele robes from the guy in Ft. Ranik. The only weird thing was, he doesn't always do this. My first ele character went to every single collector, including the Fort Ranik guy and couldn't get a robe. My next one walked right up to him and there it was. I don't know if it was a fixed bug or what, but it's there now. Just saw it again today.
If i recall the collector is hanging out with the drunken hunters. I may be mistaken however.
Lord Avalon
I believe it was fixed in an update. Hatcher is near Ft Ranik, next to the group of drinking hunters. For 5 unnatural seeds, he'll trade an armor piece that was previously unavailable - like the E robes.
But it's not really necessary as in post-searing you can buy much better armor.
But it's not really necessary as in post-searing you can buy much better armor.