question on online play
I was just wondering how much lag the game has in online play? I've played my share of MMO, and I wanna make sure i can play online without the game lagging like crazy.
Jahara Zeppelin
It's pretty much lag-free from what everyone else has been saying, even the 56k users, unless your in a big battle I've heard? :S
I use broadband so i wont have many problems? does my vid card have anything to do with lag? I got a Radeon X300 SE 128mb, i know,i know. People keep saying that there is something wrong with it. It seems to work ok with most of the games i download, like Morrowind and Sid Miaers Pirates.
Dark Splitter
im having lag and i have 589kbps so im thinking my lag is from sumwhere else dus any1 know how to found out what graphics card you have
Jahara Zeppelin
Darkhood:- Radeon SE graphics card I've heard give some sort of weird anti-aliasing or something I think, making your graphics not smooth-lined. Recommended 1s are: Sapphire Radeon 9600, just browse:
And find 1 that fits for your PC and meets your PC requirements.
Dark Splitter:- Your Graphics card doesn't make you lag, maybe turn down your graphic option qualitys ingame GW a notch or 2 (terrain qualities, reflections, texture quality, shadow quality).
And find 1 that fits for your PC and meets your PC requirements.
Dark Splitter:- Your Graphics card doesn't make you lag, maybe turn down your graphic option qualitys ingame GW a notch or 2 (terrain qualities, reflections, texture quality, shadow quality).
Dark Splitter
so what else could make me lag???
Jahara Zeppelin
Hmm, from reading your other post, when your playing, *try* make all your graphic option qualitys to max...(terrain qualities, reflections, texture quality, shadow quality)