Its kind of like how ebay has a rating system for buyers and sellers combined with Sims type emoting.
If there is a person you like can attribute "like points" to them and share friendship emotes with them. If there is a person you dont like you can attribute "jerk points" (or dislike points) and have fight emotes with them. Because the emotes are shared Im imagining it would go like this:
/dance with "player"and on "players" chat it would look like:
Goonter wants to dance with noticable text. If you click on that text, you will both dance together.
The emote thing is just extra incentive for roleplay, but it would serve a higher purpose.
A player could add 2 like points and -1 jerk points to any 1 player at anytime while in a group together after youve added them to your friends/ignore list. At anytime you can reset it back to 0. If you take them off your fiends/ignore list, it goes back to 0.
You can see an average of how many like or jerk points another player has at anytime which would be there sportsmanship rating.
/sportsmanship "player"Also, in a fight emote, the person with the higher sportsmanship rating would have a better percentage to win the fight emote. If there rating is a signifacant gap, the it would look like a serious ass whoopin. (maybe)
Now, because sportsmanship ratings could make you unattractive to other players, there is a chance to redeem yourself. Major cities have churches you can go to where you can see the people that have a -1 point against you.
You can choose to chat with each person and ask/bribe them to remove there point. You can contact a person that has you on ignore through a priest but it will cost you some gil. The player being contacted will know its through a priest and will have the option to ignore them after the contactors first line if they wish. If the person on the other end puts you ignore again you wont be able to contact them through a priest again.
The other option is to buy out your dept. The cost will be determained by how long since the person with the point against you has logged in.
So say, for a person thats logged in minutes ago it would cost 1000. But for a person that hasnt logged in like a week it would cost 200. (thats just a rough estimate, something thats fair and balanced would be a necessity)
Once a person pays, then the grudge holder will be told something like: "player" has found redemption. or something, and your rating for them goes back to 0.
With this game having no subscribtion fee, and there being a number of very tough missions, the about of people that act like dicks are ever increasing.
With this system you either act as a good team player or let everyone know that your an ass,.... or you waste lots of money.