BLUE Superior Absorption Rune ?! [pix inside]
I don't know if there exists a PURPLE Superior Absorption rune, but there is a blue one I have in my inventory. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all Superior Absorption runes are GOLD. How did this BLUE one exist? And no, I didn't not edit these to change colors. Throw out some ideas.
Here is a BLUE Superior Vigor rune.
Here are a row of different color MAJOR Vigors. Is there anything odd with any of these pictures? Of course because ANET wanted to have GOLD armor salvage into either: SUPERIOR or MAJOR runes, that accounts for the GOLD Major Vigor. Then we have the PURPLE Major, which should be common.
I wish they changed it so that SUPERIORS=GOLD, MAJORS=PURPLE, and MINORS=BLUE. Having these cross-color runes really is not necessary.
i kno in the past all runes were blue and when salvaged majors are purple golds r superioer and blue are minor inside an armor it will b gold til salvaged
Those are All runes from before they started "color coding" them. I still have a few of those left in my inventory.
I have a blue major healing from months ago =)
how long did it take u to get all these?
Jiao Yang
I used to have a blue Superior Fast Casting.
now where is my major vigor, with the minor vigor graphic....