Weapon: Scorpions lust? what is it?
i saw this bow in tournament. warrior was using it as secondary weapon. it looked like somekinda ´´ebon`` made and was lila/violet coloured with spots of green as i remember. This is no joke im just asking what is it, guildwiki doesnt know this weapon. I thought it may be some asian weapon? cause we made team in international dis.. dont really now. anyone knows anything about this bow? .. oh yes, one more thing it wasnt green weapons cause it read when warrior said `` im wielding scorpions lust of warding or something like that.
I think it's one of the coke weapons, or one of the Japanese preorders.
I think it was one of the Taiwanese special pre order ones.
there was a thead a while back, it was a Japanese Preorder, they had a weapon, shied and focus item for all the 7 deadly sins.