I was just wondering...if you change your second profession with a quest in the crystal desert, and then you change back to your original 2nd profession, will you still have all your skills? or will you have to buy them over again? Incase that was hard to understand heres an example:
My E/Me changes to a E/Mo
I realize I was a fool to change it and go back to E/Me
Do I have all of my mesmer skills still?
I didn't see this question anywhere..sorry if i missed it.
Changing 2nd Profession...
Pyro Kinesis
Ive herd thst they do stay a couple times, but ive never tried it.
You keep them.
That character will keep them forever, even though they won't be accessible while you have a different secondary. The same goes for the pet you get when you're /R. You can change secondaries and at a later point when you come back to /R your pet will still be waiting for you.
does this mean its a good idea to change your 2nd prof b4 you go skill caping so you can unlock beter skills in pvp?
.. another n00b related question
When you change your 2nd skill what skills do u get, do you have to do the quests again to cap new skills?
When you change your 2nd skill what skills do u get, do you have to do the quests again to cap new skills?
When you change to a new secondary you get a few skills. There are profession specific quests up to Yaks Bend that you can go back and do to learn more skills. The rest will have to be purchased (gold + skill points), and elites will have to be captured as usual.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
When you change to a new secondary you get a few skills. There are profession specific quests up to Yaks Bend that you can go back and do to learn more skills. The rest will have to be purchased (gold + skill points), and elites will have to be captured as usual.
really sucky thing:
I wanted to get the skill mantra of earth(mesmer), and I loaded a template with monk skills, so my secondary prof was monk. i did the quest and accepted the reward but forgot to change 2 mesmer.so i got the wrong skill. is there any chance i can get mantra of earth now, without buying it?
(sorry a bit off-topic)
I wanted to get the skill mantra of earth(mesmer), and I loaded a template with monk skills, so my secondary prof was monk. i did the quest and accepted the reward but forgot to change 2 mesmer.so i got the wrong skill. is there any chance i can get mantra of earth now, without buying it?
(sorry a bit off-topic)
Just buy it.