Bug in Borlis Pass mission....
This is so lame.. what happened was that I was completing the Borlis Pass mission, and instead of opening that one gate with the dwarf in it who reveals the secondary mission, I right right ahead to opening the big gate to get to the wall. Then I killed everything in sight and the gate never opened. So I figured I had to kill everything else around there and talk to that guy in order to them to open the gate. Once I did that though, the gate still didnt open.... I can't be the first victum of this....
I just did that mission, to open the gate for the NPC that gives secondary mission (I didn't find where the boss is so I only did primary) you blow it up. Then when you go up and after killing the giant crossbow things and need to open a gate to get to rurik. You go back down the path you came, back to the nearest gate you blew up with barrells, and pull a lever right next to it, then the big gate to get to rurik opens up.
Doesn't That gate just have a lever infront of it??? Never had any probs with that missions.
Finding the secondary can be a pain and some time the barrels dont blow stuff up first time.
Finding the secondary can be a pain and some time the barrels dont blow stuff up first time.
It was so wierd though...i looked into that town and the only thing there was prince Rurik.... that could be why gate didnt open, but i got it this time
I don't think its a bug, you BLOW the gate up, the gate with the lever isn't the one for the ice drake, and the one which opens when you kill all those stone summit guys is not the gate to the ice drake...
it's not a bug
Communist Robot
Next time read the instructions, it clearly says there should be some dwarven power keg things around there.
Ok I was having trouble with the Bonus on this Quest too. Read this thread after I had searched EVERYWHERE for a way to the Drake. Thought about the post by Shadow_Avenger "some time the barrels dont blow stuff up first time." and thought ok lets try that snow drift again. (see screen shots) I dropped several powder kegs in the drift and nothing happened. Then I thought what about the wood planks chained together at the right side of the drift. BINGO! Snow gone path opened!
Screenshot Explaination.
1) Dude you get the Bonus from
2)The Snow Drift (note the stones with chains)
3)If you walk into the drift you can see the path.
4)The cleared path.
5)This is aprox where I dropped the keg (note the stones with chains)
Screenshot Explaination.
1) Dude you get the Bonus from
2)The Snow Drift (note the stones with chains)
3)If you walk into the drift you can see the path.
4)The cleared path.
5)This is aprox where I dropped the keg (note the stones with chains)
Teh Azman
I didn't notice it the first time either but if you keep going PAST the guy who gives the drake quest you'll get to a cave, in which is home to some nasty mobs as well as the drake.