Another Trader
wren e
Before I start, the search function is not working right now, so if this has been discussed already sorry.
Two things that I would like to see added to GW would be a Mod trader that would function like the rune and different material traders. Another thing I would like to see, would be a weapon trader in Ember Light Camp that has all the same weapons and focuses that can be used in PvP. I know that most of these are covered by the many different collectors that can be found, but some cannot such as the 15>50 axe and others. Making these weapons available here would be a good gold sink. By doing this, it would make it easier for individuals to get the specific equipment that they are looking for.
Not sure if Anet would ever implement this, but think that it would be a good idea and help make it easier for pve to pvp conversion of characters.
Two things that I would like to see added to GW would be a Mod trader that would function like the rune and different material traders. Another thing I would like to see, would be a weapon trader in Ember Light Camp that has all the same weapons and focuses that can be used in PvP. I know that most of these are covered by the many different collectors that can be found, but some cannot such as the 15>50 axe and others. Making these weapons available here would be a good gold sink. By doing this, it would make it easier for individuals to get the specific equipment that they are looking for.
Not sure if Anet would ever implement this, but think that it would be a good idea and help make it easier for pve to pvp conversion of characters.
Tuoba Hturt Eht
15>50 axe is made available in Droknar's Forge in the few recent updates.
wren e
thanks for the info about the axe. My main point for the post is that Anet should add a mod trader that works like the rune traders that the game already has. Make the different values for the mods the same as for unlocking with faction for ease. For selling mods back to the merchant, have the base price it considers be 20% higher than the closet lowest mod value that is sold. ie a +23 health mod base price would be 60% higher than what the +20 health base mod that the trader sells. The trader would calculate this when you do a request for quote.
/sign, we need this. its such a pain to look for new mods since you can't actively farm them (unless you do chests) and players seem not like selling them.
Originally Posted by Lampshade
Yeah, that's a 15^50 alright.

/half signed. I want the mod trader, but the weapon trader at Ember is too much.
Phoenix Avenger
/half signed as well
I support the mod trader but not the weapon trader.
I support the mod trader but not the weapon trader.
Dougal Kronik
I like the mod trader idea.
I like the mod trader idea.
I need a mod trader. Selling mods is a pain
/sign with the mod trader.
Mod trader for sure. If this game isn't supposed to be about the hours you play then they better do this. I am a pretty heavy player and I've only come accross 1 +30HP Sword Pommel. After playing for almost a year I think I should have seen a few more of those.
Sir fredman
/sign with mod trader
Monk Mystic
/sign for both
lol we have those weapon traders at armory and divine and w/e the luxon one is so why not have one in ember or somewhere with those. theyd be over priced sure but if you didnt feel like finding/looking for a seller then why not. but definately the mod trader we have everythign else why didnt they give us this in the first place...
lol we have those weapon traders at armory and divine and w/e the luxon one is so why not have one in ember or somewhere with those. theyd be over priced sure but if you didnt feel like finding/looking for a seller then why not. but definately the mod trader we have everythign else why didnt they give us this in the first place...
It's will be about time.
It's will be about time.
mod trader would definitely push the mod prices down and clear out spaces in my inventory...
though i still like the adventure and sense of achievement after getting/id'ing/salvin my 20% encht
/not signed...
though i still like the adventure and sense of achievement after getting/id'ing/salvin my 20% encht
/not signed...
errr, /not signed on the weapon trader in emberlight
As for mod trader i'm uncertain. It would defentley cause prices for mods to plumit, unless anet caused them to start out at ridcously high prices, in which case they woudl first sky rocket and then plumit. While having lower prices might be good for people without alot of money, it would really hurt the current economy.
As for mod trader i'm uncertain. It would defentley cause prices for mods to plumit, unless anet caused them to start out at ridcously high prices, in which case they woudl first sky rocket and then plumit. While having lower prices might be good for people without alot of money, it would really hurt the current economy.
Scavenger Rage
/half - signed for the mod trader.
I got TONS of nice weapons just waiting the right mods to come by...i simply dont have the patience to go look for them town to town...
I got TONS of nice weapons just waiting the right mods to come by...i simply dont have the patience to go look for them town to town...
Mod Tradder
Theres a "Perfect Weapon" weapon Crafter in Keingn and HzH Not so Sure for Cavalon.
Theres a "Perfect Weapon" weapon Crafter in Keingn and HzH Not so Sure for Cavalon.
mod trader is a good idea.
and those of you who feel this would ruin the value of mods speak as though black dyes are any less valuable because you can get them from a dye trader... or that there is any less of a demand for ectos because they're available from rare material traders.
c'mon now... you should know better than that!
and those of you who feel this would ruin the value of mods speak as though black dyes are any less valuable because you can get them from a dye trader... or that there is any less of a demand for ectos because they're available from rare material traders.
c'mon now... you should know better than that!
Mars Dragonblade
Bahamut Kaiser is a fan of the mod trader idea too, I'm surprised he's not said somethin in here yet. I fully agree with the idea too.
100% /Signed.
100% /Signed.
Originally Posted by destructinator
mod trader is a good idea.
/signed and those of you who feel this would ruin the value of mods speak as though black dyes are any less valuable because you can get them from a dye trader... or that there is any less of a demand for ectos because they're available from rare material traders. c'mon now... you should know better than that! |
When I say this would hurt the CURRENT economy, what I mean is that Anet would have to SET the price of these mods at something. As it is there is a kind of fluid price on mods, having the price being determined by both the buyer and seller. While to a minor extent this is true for Dyes/Ecto, you have a trader to base your prices on for these items, limiting the amount of difference the buyer/seller will have in thier prices. Having anet add a trader would remove the fluid price structure around mods and such there by harming the current economy. With a trader to sell to many people in GW will simply sell to the trader instead of wasting time sellling them to people. This will inturn lower the price on mods. Eventually the price will come to an equilibrium like it is for ecto/dye and remain more ro less, constant.
I'd like to take you back to when amber and jade first became available. If you remember the trader had none at first so prices were purely based off of what people were willing to pay (this ranged from 6k ~ 12k each). After the initial rush people started selling to trader which would buy them for 100g or so, then people would buy it from trader for like 150g and then turn around sell it for cheap making a quick easy buck. Soon the traders value rose a little but never to what people had been buying them for. With a trader price established the price for amber and jade are now each less then 1k, no were near what they were. Anet could have very well established that the trader would but jad/amber for 2k each, and the current price would be higher.
Should anet do something similar with mods then the prices would drop drastically. You have some guy wanting to see what the trader is buying weapon mods for, he sells a +30hp pommel and recieves 100g for it. Some guy who happens to then see the a +30hp pommel for 200g snatches it upa dn sells it for 20k, far below current market but he knows he can sell it quick. People will see this lower price, and no one will be willing to pay the higher prices. Soon the mod prices will drop as people see the trader selling for prices like 1k for a perfect HP mod. Eventually an equilibrium will be reached, but the prices will have taken a huge fall from what they had at one time been.
Also I'd like to know if the mod trader would only sell perfect mods, or all mods? Would he except +30hp, +29hp, +28hp etc. and then sell them, or would he only sell the perfect mods? Imperfect mods have there own market right now. When you can't afford that perfect +30hp pommel you will most likely settle for a +27hp instead, since there's only a 3hp difference and it's very cheap. Should the mod trader sell these for 100g or so then this other mod market would simply disapear, making your +29hp pommel go from 5k in value to merchant food.
This is why the current economy would be hurt. There is a huge market right now for both perfect and imperfect mods, but with a trader we could very easily see the price of perfect mods drop drastically and the market for imperfect mods vanish.
I'm still undecided because I wouldn't mid seeing the price on mods drop some, but i don't want to lose how our economy works right now.