How to "do" pictures?
Nikki Moonlight
ok..i've tried doing this before, but its never worked, first thing..doe's paint have a way of cropping? and how do you upload files onto here and other websites?
I am not sure if Paint crops. But someting like or The Gimp should, and they are both free, easy downloads
to display pictures here and at other sites, may I recommend
Also, GW saves screenshots as Bitmaps. And bmps are huge. If you wanna post a screenshot online, save it as a .PNG (you can do this by going into Paint and clicking "Save As..." and then changing the file type from bmp to png.) PNG is a good alternative to saving as a JPEG to reduce size because converting to a JPEG in MSPaint sometimes really messes things up. You can use photobucket or if you just want to upload something temporarily for just say, one post, you can use When you upload something to imageshack it'll stay uploaded for a while and then, depending on how active the picture you posted is, it will either stay up a little longer or just get deleted.
i use Macromedia Fireworks to edit the images and upload them to my own host
Manic Smile >