help please
Vio Sera
after asking around i decided which secondary i wanted to level with... i decided monk was a good choice for my warrior... this was confirmed by a level 20 on this site that said i could just change it later... things seemed good.... then i make monk my seconday but for some reason the red text only registered in my head after i clicked ok... it said i cant change my seconday at any point later in the game... Uh im confused, can i change it?
Originally Posted by Vio Sera
this was confirmed by a level 20 on this site that said i could just change it later...
Uh im confused, can i change it? |
The Unknown Enemy
Yes, you can. The only thing is that you have to be ascended, which is very close to the game.
Canadian Bacon
Originally Posted by The Unknown Enemy
The only thing is that you have to be ascended, which is very close to the end of the game.