Ranger fisure
Sid Doog
Does anyone know what it take to craft the armor i know it for druid is wood shard ecto what is the 4th i am looking at pic but i cant figure it out anyone out there know ????
Tanned Hide Squares
Sid Doog
Check out www.guildwiki.org, there's all the infromation you need about fissure armor.
Former Ruling
Dont Buy it for a Ranger...
15k Druids looks atleast 50x better than Fissure. I have a hard time telling fissure from normal cheap leather armor..
I'd save my Fissure purchases for a class that its worth it on, where the fissure is actually very unique looking.
15k Druids looks atleast 50x better than Fissure. I have a hard time telling fissure from normal cheap leather armor..
I'd save my Fissure purchases for a class that its worth it on, where the fissure is actually very unique looking.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Dont Buy it for a Ranger...
15k Druids looks atleast 50x better than Fissure. I have a hard time telling fissure from normal cheap leather armor.. I'd save my Fissure purchases for a class that its worth it on, where the fissure is actually very unique looking. |
Of course, this is all entirely personal opinion...
Originally Posted by JR-
Rubbish man, ranger fissure is one of the best looking armor sets in the game!
Of course, this is all entirely personal opinion... |
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Cherno
Agree. I had 15K druids for a long time and hated it. Way too bulky and full of graphical glitches. I much prefer the fissure armor for a ranger. The only other ranger armor I like is the male 15K drakes.
Anyway - Fissure for Rangers just looks, at least to me, like some SLIGHTLY modified normal leather armor. Meh...not unique enough.
Originally Posted by Blaarg
Tanned Hide Squares
To the OP, Ranger Fissure takes the same material as the 15K armor.
So if you are going to fissure druid then you need tanned and wood.
If you need a piece of fissure studded then you need tanned and deldrimore steel.