Was wondering, if you make an account with one of the factions preview event keys, will you be able to add the GW: Factions key to it when we buy it, or do you have to make a new account with it?
Thanks in advance ^.^
Factions Question
I believe you have to make a new accounts... Not sure though. But besides, you're most likely not gonna need the account you make this weekend, since the characters will be stripped of everything and they'll only have access to 40 skills.
Originally Posted by Rancour
I believe you have to make a new accounts... Not sure though. But besides, you're most likely not gonna need the account you make this weekend, since the characters will be stripped of everything and they'll only have access to 40 skills.
Make 1 account, add as many keys as you want, just dont add the same type a key twice. You wont gain anything from a duplicate key. For example, adding 2 regular faction keys wont get you more slots or anything else.