Guild Wars NCSoft Support DISGRACEFUL


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Hi. i'm new to this forum but I think that Guild Wars support is very disgraceful. Take the following examples below:

1 I asked them how I would know that I have the European version of the North american version from looking at the pack(I live in australia so it's sometimes this sometimes that). They said that they have to have a look at my access key and my email address... But I found out that it was actually on the pack... GW-EU-UK... Europe standing for EU and UK is united kingdom... I wonder why they like to do things the hard way

Disgrace rating: 1/5

1a I asked them how you distinguish the packaging for GUild Wars Factions so I wiould know if it's the European version when I buy it... They told me to look at the guild wars website... It doesn't even say, It has the pictures of the pack in american and european, but it doesn't say which one's american and which one's european! I'm not talking about the pack contents, but the packaging. They haven't read my question carefully and think it's the pack contents! They need to take courses on reading

Disgrace rating: 2/5

2 I asked them that if I have an european access key could I use a north american guild wars factions key onto the european account. They said no you can't.

I asked if Australia belonged in Europe or North america in another support ticket and they told me that you shouldn't worry so much because that you can use any access key addon to any access key account...

Two completely different staff saying two completely opposite things!

Disgrace rating: 5/5

3 I told them that both answers were diferen't and that they should rethink themselves and give me the correct answers. I had another suport ticket about what the covers will look like for european packs in Guild Wars Factions and they said "contact them instead, we're closing this ticket". I'm like, what??!! They're completely different support questions, covers and regions are two different things! In my opinion, they were trying to cover it up!

Disgrace rating: 6/5

If you have experienced something like this before, or you have any comments, I want to read them :P Post a reply

konohamaru heaven

konohamaru heaven

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Some where in Cantha beyond the Petrified Forest and the Jade Sea

The Amazon Basin

Well actually there is no difference between the NA and EU versions othr than the cover language I preusme for the non-English Speaking countries. At least this is how the chapter one was set up. Also if this is about the special items they are all the same so no worries about that.

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wasting away again in Margaritaville


That sucks, do they really sell both packs down there? I could see how that would create problems, but it seems unlikely that they would choose to do that and choose to not let access keys from different areas work. After all, you can easiy change your area, so it seems like an arbritrary thing.

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


All valid questions, granted, but there's enough info flying around that the least you could have done was ask around the forums.

As to your first question:
-It should be on the site somewhere.

2nd Question: Consider this, perhaps the European and American are set off as individual groupings, since their respective player bases are so large, but Australia with a smaller player base has a generic key that works on either. Just a theory.

Or it was simple intra-office miscommunication. Things are kinda hectic down there.

Or perhaps when you asked the first time is was "No," but then they realized it'd be easier with a generic key so it became "It doesn't matter"

3rd Question:
I can fathom only one reason why you'd even care what it looks like. Yet, it's not a good reason.

A.Net service and support is very good, no one's perfect. But my advice is not to scream A.Net sucks on this or any fanboard, it's just inviting flames. Most players are very happy with A.Net thusfar.

Note to impending flame weilders: Back off, go find another thread to burn into confusion.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Forsaken Wanderers [FW]


I've found Anets support to be helpful in the past (hey at the very least, give'em props for not outsourcing their support to a third party company).

But anything Factions related results in half-truths, vague answers, and overall mass confusion. From support, to retailers, to players I don't think anyone can make heads or tails of the whole Factions thing in terms of pre-order packages, and buying the different game versions, anything related to buying the game or questions about buying the game results in problems it seems.

One can only assume Anet is stretching itself thin, trying to get the Factions release off smoothly, while still trying to run Guild Wars effectively. Which can be seen by the merchant glitch, and the various other bugs that have become more frequent overtime. (Some would say, since the Factions Preview event)

I think that after things settle down a bit, and Anet gets its' footing back we'll see some more reliable support and more steady information on Anets end.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Seeking atm


This is not a flame on anybody, but I feel for the OP.

Support services jobs are to be knowledgible and reduce the frustration of the clients. The company pays those employees to successfully accomplish this. Clearly in his exchange with the support staff did the opposite. I have seen other threads saying the support staff are bad and I know that alot of Australian players often feel in limbo (I play in their timezone so I talk to plenty of NZ and Aus people and they seem to echo the OPs confusion.)

He wants to know the right box so not to waste his money. Is that so crazy? If he orders online then he wants to be sure he is buying a copy that works for him and knowing the packaging help verify this. Also, he wants to be sure that if he gets the wrong item, it will work for him. The people paid to help him in this department didn't, frustrating for sure.

As for him posting here, Anet support often tells people to air complaints or troubles on the forums. This is the place for this. While I don't have the answers to his questions, hopefully someone can tell him.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005

Peace Machine GRRR [DiE]



If this is to be taken as an example I can see how they may have been somewhat confused by your questions

Sounds like you may be easily upset so I will try not to do that and merely state that every time I have dealt with Anet support they have been very responsive and helpful but obviously opinions vary...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Oddly, this sounds like one of the reps I talked with recently via email. Occasionally, he/she miss reads my questions, and as such gives me only so-so information. But, if I reply and note that my question wasn't answered, I can get an accurate response, from the same person, within a day. I honestly believe that this person is just overloaded from a ton of people all sending in questions and bug reports, and he/she is just tired sometimes. You know, human.

I'd strongly recommend you let them know about the problems you're having in a calm and clear way. Let them know that the information you got was wrong, let them know why it was wrong, and let them know what you found out. It'll make things better in the long run, as the person will have better info, and will be able to help the next less-than-happy customer with said info.

As for myself, I mostly get info from the same person, and I've gotten quite good results on everything from EULA violations to bug reports (I even got an e-mail back once telling me that what I thought was a bug wasn't a bug at all, but intentional, and got an explanation as to why. Most pleasing).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


As far as I'm aware.. Australia gets the Euro version. That means, you're gonna have a hard time finding the American version here, unless you order it online from the US.

There is a chance that we got the Euro version due to our English being closer to English English and not American English.. but.. I'm not sure about that.

btw, if you're playing on the American server, you can add the Euro version of Factions and still play on the American server.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

Also, you should stop crying. This is nothing new. Australia always gets RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOed over when it comes to games.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Centurion Guard


Don't you set your location when you first put in the CD key?

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Originally Posted by metaltwisted
Hi. i'm new to this forum but I think that Guild Wars support is very disgraceful.
Just out of curiosit - where did you get this support? Via the website? It wasn't your shop, was it?
on the pack... GW-EU-UK... Europe standing for EU and UK is united kingdom... I wonder why they like to do things the hard way

Disgrace rating: 1/5
There is really no difference. If you've started playing you've by now found that you can switch between italian, spanish, german, and english-speaking EU freely, and between the EU and any other realm 5 times.

1a I asked them how you distinguish the packaging for GUild Wars Factions so I wiould know if it's the European version when I buy it... They told me to look at the guild wars website... It doesn't even say --- They haven't read my question carefully and think it's the pack contents!
Uh, yeah. What does it matter what the packaging looks like?

2 I asked them that if I have an european access key could I use a north american guild wars factions key onto the european account. They said no you can't.
I'd say it's a pretty safe bet you can, as you can move between realms.

If you have experienced something like this before, or you have any comments, I want to read them :P Post a reply
So, to sum things up, you had questions about the regional packaging of guildwars which you got conflicting answers to.

I respectfully submit you need to reconsider your definition of 'disgraceful'.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


Yeah, i think you do.. But considering the majority of support agencies use bots... (NCsoft included) what do you expect?

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by VGJustice
Oddly, this sounds like one of the reps I talked with recently via email. Occasionally, he/she miss reads my questions, and as such gives me only so-so information. But, if I reply and note that my question wasn't answered, I can get an accurate response, from the same person, within a day. I honestly believe that this person is just overloaded from a ton of people all sending in questions and bug reports, and he/she is just tired sometimes. You know, human.

I'd strongly recommend you let them know about the problems you're having in a calm and clear way. Let them know that the information you got was wrong, let them know why it was wrong, and let them know what you found out. It'll make things better in the long run, as the person will have better info, and will be able to help the next less-than-happy customer with said info.

As for myself, I mostly get info from the same person, and I've gotten quite good results on everything from EULA violations to bug reports (I even got an e-mail back once telling me that what I thought was a bug wasn't a bug at all, but intentional, and got an explanation as to why. Most pleasing).
That's the best idea. They will never not correct themselves if they get something wrong. This is probably the most helpful post in this thread, I suggest listening to him.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by lg5000
As far as I'm aware.. Australia gets the Euro version. That means, you're gonna have a hard time finding the American version here, unless you order it online from the US.

There is a chance that we got the Euro version due to our English being closer to English English and not American English.. but.. I'm not sure about that.

btw, if you're playing on the American server, you can add the Euro version of Factions and still play on the American server.
If australia gets euro, then how come my pre-order disc I got had the american stuff in it?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Just out of curiosit - where did you get this support? Via the website? It wasn't your shop, was it?
There is really no difference. If you've started playing you've by now found that you can switch between italian, spanish, german, and english-speaking EU freely, and between the EU and any other realm 5 times.

Uh, yeah. What does it matter what the packaging looks like?

I'd say it's a pretty safe bet you can, as you can move between realms.

So, to sum things up, you had questions about the regional packaging of guildwars which you got conflicting answers to.

I respectfully submit you need to reconsider your definition of 'disgraceful'.
1. It's NCSoft support, not A.Net support
2. How come I don't see koreans go around killing monsters in the european region then? And how come I can't set my thing to european region?
3. I'm not asking why does ti matter what the packaging looks like, it's so I know I got the european version and not the american(I'm going overseas soon, hello?!?!?!?!)
4. I still find it disgraceful. I played another game(not to note it here) and they had support within a day too. And they got the correct answers every time during my 5 years I played it

And thsi is something that bothers me, they sent me this reply:
Hello Bob,

Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars customer support team. We received your petition in regards to [Package difference?]. Unfortunately, we can not offer support for this issue. We encourage you in having a look at the various web sites, forums and articles on the net, where you should be able to quickly find an answer/solution to your query.

Here you can find a list of the recommended forums and fansites:

Please feel free to contact the support team again if you encounter any other problems.

Kind regards,

NCsoft Europe
Guild Wars Customer Support

Why would they don't know the answer but fans know the answer? That's kinda stupid... If they didn't release the information in the first place then nobody would know



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by metaltwisted
If australia gets euro, then how come my pre-order disc I got had the american stuff in it?
Appologies for posting link + quote from another board..

Originally Posted by Alex Weekes
That would be me, really. I'm an Aussie myself, (though, obviously, now residing in the UK) and NCsoft Europe currently handles publishing in Australia/New Zealand. I do pay particular attention to issues raised by Aus/NZ players, and I'm sure there are staff in the office who are sick of hearing me ask about preorders and CE etc. <- taken from there.

As to why you have a American version.. I have no idea.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


Well he has a point in that I'd be concerned if I bought a game, couldn't find out which "region" it was in for certain and then bought an expansion/sequel and found out it was a different region and thus not link with the original.

You'll need these facts
1 - Find out which region your game is
2 - Find out which region chapter 2 is (depending where you buy it)
3 - Find out for a fact if you can link different region chapters. If you can't link cross region accounts, then it's very important to get points 1 and 2 resolved.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


Yeah, but it's been discussed many times. It doesn't matter what region the packaging is from, you will be able to join it onto your current account. (gail I believe explained it more than once.. though.. this time, I don't have the reference material nearby)

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


I've had mixed feelings about the support. They're fast to respond, which is always good, but depending on the staff its good or bad. Some of their policies stink too (guy threatens rape and murder, gets 2 day ban). They were helpful with my hacked account, though when I asked why another new password came through a week later (i hadn't requested one) instead of htem saying "there was a request x day, didn't you do it?" all i got was "never give out your account info"... yes, thank you, i know that, now tell me if someone requested a new password! *sigh*

Minus Sign

Minus Sign

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Ya know, your like the 3rd Aussie I've heard/talked to with GW problems.

Solution Anet: Make some servers in Australia already!



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006



support is very mixed, good people and bad. That really says it for all companies out there even mine .. some days inno general public just ask the dumbest things and well sometimes that little old devil makes you say something about that :P



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Forsaken Sanctuary


i'd disagree.

when i had a major problem with my account, support contacted me and resolved the manner in less than 2 hours. anet has a superb support team.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Rule of Customer Service

1 (Legit/NonLegit) Bad Expereince = Tells many many people
1 Great Expreince = May tell someone

I've had more postive then negative interaction with them so 1-10 (10 being best) I rate them 8.0 from experience(s) I had. (I work in computer tech support...)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Eastern Iowa

Forsaken Wanderers [FW]


From reading the description, it sounds like you didn't exactly help them in solving your problems very much. You know what they say... "Ask a stupid question...."

Mustache Mayhem

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



it's all those crazy episodes of the crocodile hunter


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005



all first responses are generic automated responses.

to get a person respond (within 24 hours or it is closed) that the first response did not help.

you will then get a person to help.

customer service is tops in my opinion.

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Im so happy, everyone talks about Anet and finally a thread about Ncsoft ty Metaltwisted ty! i like going for the underdogs

on the issue, they answered truthfully dont be mad




Join Date: Dec 2005

Afk Mac N Cheeze Dun [LOOL]


Originally Posted by metaltwisted
1. It's NCSoft support, not A.Net support
2. How come I don't see koreans go around killing monsters in the european region then? And how come I can't set my thing to european region?
3. I'm not asking why does ti matter what the packaging looks like, it's so I know I got the european version and not the american(I'm going overseas soon, hello?!?!?!?!)
4. I still find it disgraceful. I played another game(not to note it here) and they had support within a day too. And they got the correct answers every time during my 5 years I played it

And thsi is something that bothers me, they sent me this reply:
Hello Bob,

Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars customer support team. We received your petition in regards to [Package difference?]. Unfortunately, we can not offer support for this issue. We encourage you in having a look at the various web sites, forums and articles on the net, where you should be able to quickly find an answer/solution to your query.

Here you can find a list of the recommended forums and fansites:

Please feel free to contact the support team again if you encounter any other problems.

Kind regards,

NCsoft Europe
Guild Wars Customer Support

Why would they don't know the answer but fans know the answer? That's kinda stupid... If they didn't release the information in the first place then nobody would know
I've worked in technial support for years.. I will translate this hard to read technial info for you.

Translation: OMG another dumbass who can't RTFM... My suggestion, BoB go back to the store, retun the game so we don't have to deal with a dumbass like you in the future...

If you don't understand that it doesn't matter which version your purchase... you can change to and from the European server any time...

The reason that you don't see Koreas in the European and American Districts is because you can NOT switch between the Korean servers and the U.S servers (or the EU Servers)...

I personally have switched to the european servers to play FoW or UW just to see how people play there... I also have quite a few people on my friends list who live in the UK and switched to the US server....



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Greenville SC

The Reapers


I am kind of irritated at the Support on the Code=058 issue. The Support team will not or does not say what it is other than a routing issue. I know that it says it in the fricken game. It has been well over 2weeks now and still no answer to this issue. I am not the only one having this same problem as you can see by the thread in the Tech section here. Every answer from Support is different, even them saying to try another ISP?? After this I am very disappointed in the Support service.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Afk Mac N Cheeze Dun [LOOL]


Originally Posted by Lycan
I am kind of irritated at the Support on the Code=058 issue. The Support team will not or does not say what it is other than a routing issue. I know that it says it in the fricken game. It has been well over 2weeks now and still no answer to this issue. I am not the only one having this same problem as you can see by the thread in the Tech section here. Every answer from Support is different, even them saying to try another ISP?? After this I am very disappointed in the Support service.
Well what do u want them to do? They only have so much control over the internet.... I never get Code=058 which means it could be a routing issue... some ISPs just suck..

Here is a scenario to think of.... I am a consultant and built a highly customized CMS site for a large "Association"..... everythings been working fine for the last year then last week, they could NO longer access their website... I run the servers and the route where this site is hosted in one of the largest data centers in the U.S...

I can access this site so can everyone I know, but this customer of mine is unable to access their own website... so I call their ISP and tell them they have a routing issue, they are like NO we don't.... even other people on the same ISP can get to this website, their Tier One technial support team can't access it but their tier 2 can... besides them everyone in the world can hit this site...

So my customer is mad at me at first... but hey I can't do anything about it, the ENTIRE WORLD can access this site but a selct group of people, PROBLEM, this ISP.... PERIOD.

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


So guys how will it take for this thread to be closed?

To me the site is just a bit confusing. "What I have to fill out a question ticket to report a bug?". Definitely not disgraceful thou.

There is something disgraceful in this thread thou



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by metaltwisted
Hi. i'm new to this forum....

3 I told them that both answers were diferen't and that they should rethink themselves and give me the correct answers. I had another suport ticket about what the covers will look like for european packs in Guild Wars Factions and they said "contact them instead, we're closing this ticket". I'm like, what??!! They're completely different support questions, covers and regions are two different things! In my opinion, they were trying to cover it up!

Disgrace rating: 6/5
Apparently you're new to english too.

I'd too, be having a hard time trying to give you a straight answer. Personally, all my problems were resolved with no snags. NC Soft's Support team is well trained and modest. If they can't help you, your problems may be coming from else where.

Guillaume De Sonoma

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005



I found Anet to be very helpful with setting up my account. Sure I hate business days, but they were very good to me.

Canadian Bacon

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ontario, Canada

Kingdom of Tyria [KoT]

I already made a thread about my great experiences with Anet. Or maybe that was on a different forum....

Anyways, at some point on some GW forum I made a thread about how fantastic the GW support team is. They are absolutely top notch, and pretty much blind you with the brilliant glow of uberositywhen held up against a background made of other support teams at other companies *cough* EA *cough*.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Greenville SC

The Reapers


Originally Posted by Linsys
Well what do u want them to do? They only have so much control over the internet.... I never get Code=058 which means it could be a routing issue... some ISPs just suck..

Here is a scenario to think of.... I am a consultant and built a highly customized CMS site for a large "Association"..... everythings been working fine for the last year then last week, they could NO longer access their website... I run the servers and the route where this site is hosted in one of the largest data centers in the U.S...

I can access this site so can everyone I know, but this customer of mine is unable to access their own website... so I call their ISP and tell them they have a routing issue, they are like NO we don't.... even other people on the same ISP can get to this website, their Tier One technial support team can't access it but their tier 2 can... besides them everyone in the world can hit this site...

So my customer is mad at me at first... but hey I can't do anything about it, the ENTIRE WORLD can access this site but a selct group of people, PROBLEM, this ISP.... PERIOD.
I have been playing this game since the Alpha events with hardly ever any issues. This problem all came with an update. It is not my ISP, if you check the Tech area, people that are having the same problem and do not have the same ISP, some are in the US others over seas.