IWAY Domination
Nexus Tharador
A little something for all you iway haters like myself
Nice, me and a mate killed those, I was 55hp monk he was SS necro, they often just went for him but it worked. Anyways, nicely done.
Awesome job, total ownage

Mr D J
I killed em solo with 55 necro
nice finding a way for an ele

One word...Geomancy.
Francis Demeules
Geomancers are good to kill Iway
leeky baby
all i see is him standing there :S nothing about iway but his name
Originally Posted by leeky baby
all i see is him standing there :S nothing about iway but his name
see all those wolves on the ground? thats indication enough that it was iway...lol

uhhhh, i dont get it... you beat the npc iway team or something?
Ever heard of the Zaishen Arena?
Solo farming IWAY new fad? News at 11.
ugh i friggin hate iway y cant they finally kill iway already get on my damn nerves >.<
Juicey Shake
ahaha, I love all of the iway bashers.
held hall with it 4 times in a row earlier, about 6 pst. gg.
held hall with it 4 times in a row earlier, about 6 pst. gg.
I Wish I Knew The Invci-ele/mesmer Build!!!
Nexus Tharador
Dont worry Lint when i get back from work i will post unedited pic.
btw it definately aint invinci. I have no heal skills whatsoever. Also it got a bit hairy when eviscerate kicked in.
btw it definately aint invinci. I have no heal skills whatsoever. Also it got a bit hairy when eviscerate kicked in.

The Real Roy Keane
Originally Posted by Lint
I Wish I Knew The Invci-ele/mesmer Build!!!
I think it'd be safe to say that Physical Resistance, Earth armour buffs, and possibly Ward Against Melee are in there somewhere.
shhhh.....we shouldnt be telling invinci builds or anet nerfs it >.< =(