Random Dungeon......
Bir Ki
I play a lot of silly little RPGs and i think what is needed is a random dungeon or land option. You enter same way as uw/fow but it teleports you to a unique everytime place so it can add variety to farming when your sick of uw/fow/sf etc and you cant just use one build to master the place such as the 5 man farming teams etc
Would be suck for new people to warp into UW and FOW, seeing the normal screnario than all of a sudden land up in an arbitray place not knowing whats happening or there surroundings. Also random warping may warp you so close to aggro that if you move you aggro all mobs.
I would think that the the warpin "landing" site would be in a safe spot...for a while (like most entrances)
i think its hard to code random terrein, alas - Considering how the grafics need for structure (a limitation that also helps it look good),
As for Random entrance spot and a couple of maps, and random monsters, I like it . More tougher obstacles.
i think its hard to code random terrein, alas - Considering how the grafics need for structure (a limitation that also helps it look good),
As for Random entrance spot and a couple of maps, and random monsters, I like it . More tougher obstacles.
That's not what he's talking about, I think. I would love some random dungeons, just to keep us on our toes Also, it would require a totally balanced team to have the best chances of getting anywhere, so it's also, I think, the kind of teamplay that a lot of pve players want to see more.
Xenophon Ualtar
I think that this could be a fun idea. As far as it being difficult to make random areas well the areas wouldn't have to be totally random. There could be say 50 different areas and many different monster combinations and you dont know which of the combos you will get.
Random dungeons? Just close your eyes count to 10 and travel somewhere .
Originally Posted by fiery
Random dungeons? Just close your eyes count to 10 and travel somewhere .
A random dungeon would be nice but i cant really see it with a grp of 5 monks there which are impossible to kill
if they make random dungeons, it should be for another statue somewhere else in the game. a new place...maybe an ethereal plane or something that is constantly changing
new place, new numerous non-repetative adventures - sounds good to me
new place, new numerous non-repetative adventures - sounds good to me