factions preview event problem.

Rebel Dragon

Rebel Dragon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Vile Of Faith [nova]


im a very addicted gw player and already used up my 4 character slots...
and i dont going to delete characters with 15k armor and all those things...

so what can i do? 3 things

- delete one of my characters.
-buy an 2nd gw account 45 euro+ 2 times factions= no money for.

those are bad idees imo..

only 1 left: send myself an invite..
i got some questions about that.
if i send my self an invite i get a code to play in the event. so i need to make an new account right??

but what do i need to do with the stuff and money i find? couse im not sure if my othercharacters can come to factions.

i could give the stuff i find to other people (friends) but i doubt that they can give it to my real account..

so i need a little help in here



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Send yourself an invite. Anything you pick up anyway (even if you used your main account) cannot be handed off to non-preview-made characters. The only disadvantage to sending yourself an invite is that any PVP unlocks you perform won't be carried over, but that's relatively minor.



Join Date: May 2005

There will be no storage or trade possibilities in the Factions preview event. So every gold or item you're gonna find in the "new map" during the event will be deleted when it's over, and all the characters created in Tyria cannot travel to Cantha during the event (although they will in the retail version).

The only issue of using an auto-sent invite to the event is that everything new you're gonna unlock for PVP chars (e.g. skills, upgrades, runes) will belong to the newly created account and not to your original one.

Hope I've been helpful enough



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

dint have time to read it all but most answers are here.


Rebel Dragon

Rebel Dragon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Vile Of Faith [nova]


ow ok ty for the informations guys... only s**t is that if i find an 1337 gold item i have a problem lol XD
and about the unlock of skills and such its not a huge problem i have enoug faction and k to buy every thing i need




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



Not sure about the rollback or keeping characters, but I heard that if you create a second account during the factions weekend event you have a choice to either keep that account separate when factions releases, or you can do the merge account feature. I know that you won't get to keep items or gold because of the inability to transfer items to you existing characters or storage.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Doubt you would find a "1337" item, seeing it's a new charcater into the story plot so level 1 and lower items and drops.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by fiery
Doubt you would find a "1337" item, seeing it's a new charcater into the story plot so level 1 and lower items and drops.
Gaille Gray has stated that for the weekend event ALL characters will be level 20.

Rebel Dragon

Rebel Dragon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Vile Of Faith [nova]


ye and also if i find 'the legendary dragonpoo sword' (first thing came into my min XD ) and it will be proberly poo like name says but not much people will have it.. and alot people will buy it for lots money (to bad we cant trade)

for example.. victos blade on first days ive seen it sold for 300k (wtf?) and some weeks later is not even 10k :S