What happens to the guildless?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

International Districts

The Labyrinth of Night [LoN]


From the sounds of it, one must be in a guild in order to have full access to Factions territories (and even then, it's debatable if small, non-PVP guilds will have access). Now, I know several people who are guildless by choice for a variety of reasons. One of my accounts just went guildless and solo last night. I've asked Gaile several times during her Lion's Arch visits what the status of guildless players will be, and my question has either gotten lost in the kiddie-griefing, or deliberately ignored.

So, has anyone else heard anything regarding the status of guildless players and Factions?

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Im thinking, too bad for u for me im ina good guild haha


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

at the beach

Gamerzunlimited (GU)


Originally Posted by Count to Potato
Im thinking, too bad for u for me im ina good guild haha
YOU are in "timeout" and besides just being a good guild does not mean you
are going to always have access to everything, I think some of these
questions will be answered this weekend, you probably can remain guildless, but I do think you are going to have to choose a factions side and this will
determine what kind of access you have to things.
If you read GW website thru, it says it is a mix of PvP and PvE that will
determine the access to special areas, which I think is great, I think some
of this ELITE guild poey will be pushed aside.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


Originally Posted by Count to Potato
Im thinking, too bad for u for me im ina good guild haha
That was helpful.

That is one of those unknown at this time questions.
One thing you might do is start your own guild with just you in it and join alliances with other guilds.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


You choose your faction by doing quests for said faction (think like karma). You start out neutral to both, and if you want to go to one, you start doing there quests. To swing to the other side you do quests for the other faction, then over time (work off negative) then start to be in favor with them.

It's the allaince of guilds and control of the elite area's you will be missing out on.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

I'd like to hear some of those "various reasons" please. I cant think of any reason why you wouldnt want to be in a guild.

Megla Zero

Megla Zero

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

North Carolina


Originally Posted by fallot
I'd like to hear some of those "various reasons" please. I cant think of any reason why you wouldnt want to be in a guild.
Idiots, griefers, "napoleons", or many of the other political bull that can happen.

Rey Lentless

Rey Lentless

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I think the main problem here is.. you're guildless in a game called "Guild Wars". Without even playing the game once, I could guess you'd be missing out on some content.

Not that I'm ripping on you, atm I'm in a guild of one just to avoid guild invites.

Ninetail Trickster

Ninetail Trickster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

A pleasant place that needs more rain. T_T

The Rose Society

Self-Made Man Syndrome.
'A guild's only going to slow me down! I'll be a self made wammo- er, man. Self-made man!'
That or just plain ignorance?

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

Another legitimate reason to be guildless is if you don't play more than once or twice a week. If you're not in a guild, then you don't have to worry if you're going to be kicked or if someone's going to be annoyed that you're not contributing to said guild. Yeah, I know those reasons could be seen as weak, but it's one of the things that's bothering me right now. Also, if not in a guild, you don't have to worry about guild drama. I really hate guild drama.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

International Districts

The Labyrinth of Night [LoN]


Originally Posted by Rey Lentless
I think the main problem here is.. you're guildless in a game called "Guild Wars". Without even playing the game once, I could guess you'd be missing out on some content.

Not that I'm ripping on you, atm I'm in a guild of one just to avoid guild invites.
Hm. Well, some of the above posters is precisely why I avoid people in-game period (no one has ever found my /afk spot!). As it is I already have the interest from a fairly prominent guild, the name of which I'd rather not disclose at the moment. I'm taking a break from all guilds at the moment for a few more days at least.

However, having dealt with my last guild, I can understand why people would want to go solo. The griefiers, the whiners, the leechers and the scammers. Most of whom were established guild members, who'd been there as long as I had (about 5-6 months). They weren't always like that but, hey, people change. The internal politics were killing me. On top of that, one guildie was pushing for a Factions alliance with another guild that has very questionable players, i.e. eBay buyers and sellers. Now, I still have respect for my old guild leader, a cool guy in a very tough position (who isn't happy with how the guild's changed either), and he remains on my friends list. A lot of other people are now on perma-ignore.

My second account is still with the same guild, but I rarely touch it, unless America has favor and I want to go UW trapping.

The internal politicking is precisely what drives some people away from guilds, and I only hope you all will never have to deal with it.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

on both of my accounts i am the head cook, chief bottlewasher and the entire herd

when i give me an order i obey it (or not)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by fallot
I'd like to hear some of those "various reasons" please. I cant think of any reason why you wouldnt want to be in a guild.
Some players get to only play seasonally (summer, winter), such as myself when Im not in college. It wouldnt be fair for me to join a guild if I cant contribute for more than a few weeks.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Land of the Z Chest \o/

[NOT]-Nomads of Turmoil.


Originally Posted by Boots
Some players get to only play seasonally (summer, winter), such as myself when Im not in college. It wouldnt be fair for me to join a guild if I cant contribute for more than a few weeks.

IMO. I feel it wouldnt be fair for the guild as well, taking a space and not contributing, unless there was a zero commitment policy or something.

added: I think the guildless players will be fine. It might just be like the favor thing, if you want to access those faction affected areas, you will just have to choose a side and complete tasks for them to have access to that part of the content. The "alliance battles" is the part w/ pvp guild requirement to which will affect where players have accessible outposts.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

After the last couple of guilds I joined self-imploded due to internal politics I basically knocked the social aspect of the game on the head. I'm not into any aspect of pvp at all so joining a guild is pointless for me. Plus I don't play that often any more.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


I've been in atleast 3 guilds now, and frankly, it's not my thing. I dunno if I have attachment problems or whatever, but I like being on my own.

But I do not want to hear people going "solo'ers are elitist who thing they're better than everyone else!". I consider myself a skilled and very capable player; I know close to everything there is to know about the game, mostly from reading Guildwiki and Guru articles. I have alot of experience in the game and all, but I have ZILTCH in PvP. Nada. Granted, I've done a little Random Arenas once in a while, but I'm nowhere near a good PvP'er.

It feels wrong for me to be in a guild, and that's not because a guild isn't "good enough for me" - because most guilds have players that totally outshine me in PvP, and sometimes PvE. I am very impressed by high-ranking guilds, but even if they invited me, I wouldn't join. I just like being on my own.
It has nothing to do with arrogance or anything of the sort.

PS: If it sounded like I was on a 30 foot tall horse, I apologize. Just trying to make my point, which is that eventhough I'm a good player, there'll always be better players and I totally acknowledge that. But I still don't wanna be in a guild.

Sorry if the whole post sounded a little strange, didn't quite think everything through to make it undestandable


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Boots
Some players get to only play seasonally (summer, winter), such as myself when Im not in college. It wouldnt be fair for me to join a guild if I cant contribute for more than a few weeks.
Then you shouldn't feel bad being left out of end-game content. Not that you do, personally. Just saying in general.

If you're guildless, I don't really see why you should be upset about missing out on content that's geared towards guilds, especially when being a part of a guild is a huge part of the game.

If you're not, then that's fine. You made your choice. On the other hand, why should Anet gear content towards you?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

House Zu Heltzer, laughing at them.

The [GEAR] Trick


Ive been in 2 guilds so far, my first one imploded because of the afk curse.
This new one is god, but I would leave in an instant if anyone from [SFK] invited me over these forums. Then in-game. I dont pvp either than much, but so what? And mostly i stay in a guild, bcuz i get lonely doing all the missions solo with hench. soooooooooooo boring.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Disciples of Birkler [BIR]

well im still thinking you will be able to access all the areas, even the elite ones, you will just have to be on the right faction and you will have to pay something to get in. (from the stuff you get by doing missions for your faction)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sisters of Mercy

Originally Posted by fallot
I'd like to hear some of those "various reasons" please. I cant think of any reason why you wouldnt want to be in a guild.
For me, it's:

1) prior commitments. When my SO comes back from overseas, I spend a lot less time in-game, something many guilds get irritable about.

2) users and abusers. I've seen a lot of very good guilds where people join to get free stuff, run everywhere, helped and then it's "ok, bye you noobz" or worse when you expect any kind of reciprocation.

3) PvP expectations. I like PvP... when I'm in the mood and at the top of my game. But old hands vs. energetic 12-year-olds sometimes = not a pretty picture. I know my limits, and I'm not always able to be a useful part of a PvP team.

4) laziness WRT researching them all to find one suitable mature, tolerant, skilled, friendly... not that I'm saying there aren't any (I've partied with many such guildfolk), just that I haven't taken the time to figure out which one of these is for me.

5) the join-my-guild spam caused me to create my own which has essentially been a 1-player placeholder, just to keep people from hounding me. Kind of like wearing a wedding ring. So I've been able to forget about it.

Originally Posted by AeroLion
If you're guildless, I don't really see why you should be upset about missing out on content that's geared towards guilds...
That depends on if the content missed is guild-specific, or if it's content that can provide valuable steps in the game (unlocking skills, gaining gold and items, trading, etc), that you can't access simply because you're not in a guild that controls the area. There's a difference.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by AeroLion
If you're guildless, I don't really see why you should be upset about missing out on content that's geared towards guilds, especially when being a part of a guild is a huge part of the game.
I disagree. The only part of this game which requires a guild is PvP for the ladder and events. I too created a guild of one just to stop all the random blind invites when Im in pug's or towns. I don't think people will be required to join a guild for the event, but you probly will have to pick an aliance.

Many of the problems in this thread could be solved with a few changes such a built in guild info page that keeps stats on actual number of players/amount of time in game per player/rank/exp/self info page/etc.

The Murder

The Murder

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Mystic Empires


Originally Posted by Count to Potato
Im thinking, too bad for u for me im ina good guild haha
Be considertic to other ppl


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by SantaClause
I disagree. The only part of this game which requires a guild is PvP for the ladder and events. I too created a guild of one just to stop all the random blind invites when Im in pug's or towns. I don't think people will be required to join a guild for the event, but you probly will have to pick an aliance.

Many of the problems in this thread could be solved with a few changes such a built in guild info page that keeps stats on actual number of players/amount of time in game per player/rank/exp/self info page/etc.
Well yes, the only part that currently requires a guild is GvG. But that doesn't mean that Anet can't or won't put in content for guilds only. As was said, the game is called Guild Wars and expanding on that theme shouldn't be unexpected.

There's also the fact that many, many complaints on this forum, among others, could be very much solved by people simply trying to form or join a guild. Perhaps Anet has simply decided it's time they more actively encourage guild groupings in a more pro-active manner in order to alleviate the unhappiness of current players that have problems in PuGs.

Again, this is not to say this is the way it's going to be or that I'm not sympathetic towards those that are guildless. I just don't think people should be surprised or disappointed if/when high end content is not available to them solely because they are not in a guild.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by AeroLion
Then you shouldn't feel bad being left out of end-game content. Not that you do, personally. Just saying in general.

If you're guildless, I don't really see why you should be upset about missing out on content that's geared towards guilds, especially when being a part of a guild is a huge part of the game.

If you're not, then that's fine. You made your choice. On the other hand, why should Anet gear content towards you?
I think a lot of people here, myself included, were not complaining about missing out on a little action. I was simply stating why some people do not join a guild.

As the name implies, this game is about guilds, and if I had the time I would gladly join a guild. As it is, I am content playing in PuGs and with friends that I have.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



Originally Posted by Boots
Some players get to only play seasonally (summer, winter), such as myself when Im not in college. It wouldnt be fair for me to join a guild if I cant contribute for more than a few weeks.

Originally Posted by AeroLion
If you're guildless, I don't really see why you should be upset about missing out on content that's geared towards guilds, especially when being a part of a guild is a huge part of the game.

If you're not, then that's fine. You made your choice. On the other hand, why should Anet gear content towards you?
How about because he and hundreds like him, payed the same money for this game as you? You'll be surprised how many people out there are guildless, and if the game will be geared ONLY towards people in guilds, then there will be this much less guildless people buying the future expantions. I dont think
Anet would be interested in loosing all those potential buyers.
You have to understand that just because someone cant contribute much to his guild due to a busy lifestyle, doesnt mean he has no place in Guild Wars.

Most importantly, when I bought Guild Wars, I didnt see a sticker saying: "DESIGNED ONLY FOR PEOPLE IN GUILDS" anywhere on the box.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Boots
I think a lot of people here, myself included, were not complaining about missing out on a little action. I was simply stating why some people do not join a guild.

As the name implies, this game is about guilds, and if I had the time I would gladly join a guild. As it is, I am content playing in PuGs and with friends that I have.
I understood your point, Boots. Apologies if it came off as criticizing you. I tried to use your post as more of a jumping off point to a reply that was more generalized.

Originally Posted by ibex333
How about because he and hundreds like him, payed the same money for this game as you? You'll be surprised how many people out there are guildless, and if the game will be geared ONLY towards people in guilds, then there will be this much less guildless people buying the future expantions. I dont think
Anet would be interested in loosing all those potential buyers.
You have to understand that just because someone cant contribute much to his guild due to a busy lifestyle, doesnt mean he has no place in Guild Wars.

Most importantly, when I bought Guild Wars, I didnt see a sticker saying: "DESIGNED ONLY FOR PEOPLE IN GUILDS" anywhere on the box.

Originally Posted by AeroLion
Well yes, the only part that currently requires a guild is GvG. But that doesn't mean that Anet can't or won't put in content for guilds only. As was said, the game is called Guild Wars and expanding on that theme shouldn't be unexpected.

There's also the fact that many, many complaints on this forum, among others, could be very much solved by people simply trying to form or join a guild. Perhaps Anet has simply decided it's time they more actively encourage guild groupings in a more pro-active manner in order to alleviate the unhappiness of current players that have problems in PuGs.

Again, this is not to say this is the way it's going to be or that I'm not sympathetic towards those that are guildless. I just don't think people should be surprised or disappointed if/when high end content is not available to them solely because they are not in a guild.
I stand by what I said. I don't understand how someone could not see how being in a guild in a game called Guild Wars as not advantageous.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


I can't believe there are other people like me that created a guild with only them in it so others would leave them alone. We should combine into one guild just to be stronger but let everyone do there own thing. You wanna solo, do it. You want help from guildies ask and see if anyone wants to help. Just make it so there is no pressure to do or not do anything. That is the guild I want!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005


[FahQ] Fierce Alliance HeadQuarters


well if you need a guild, and are a noob or a pro, we are recruiting
Fierce Alliance HQ aka Bring Back the Smites... 2 guilds
one is for Pro Ladder battles, and the other is a good gvg/ pvp / pve guild that does alot
vent server, and lots of R3-6 players

visit us at www.teamfahq.com

Good Luck
and for gods sake, why play guild wars without a guild?
you wouldnt play monopoly without the little lead car would ya, lol

Minus Sign

Minus Sign

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


I may be reading the FAQ wrong but, I remember there was a part where they were explaining how Faction is going to work. Like lines on a map, certain areas will be open to people who side with one "country" or another. Once a day the servers will adjust the lines to reflect towns/outposts/mission spawns/"what have you" that your country (ingame instead of real world now) has taken through PvP content, assisted by mission completion by PvEers. Like UW on a larger scale, though you are not part of the guild that actually opened the--lets say farm--to your "country" you will have access because you are allied with them, as a "soldier in service to country X". Otherwise, Elite missions would be locked out to all but a few hundred people and their guilds in a game that has sold millions of copies.

In short: good guild, bad guild or no guild at all, I think everyone will get to play everything. But thats just my interpretation of the FAQ.

EDIT: BTW, my guild needs me a lot more than I need them these days (and they don't like to RP; which bites), so I know where some of this comes from. People outgrow guilds, or get tired of the constant favors from guildies who don't want to do for themselves/have the time to build their characters to their fullest (lesss complaint from me on the latter). As for griefers, bashers, n00bs and napoleon; a good Guild Leader can nerf that in the bud with a quickness, and should. Being RL friends with the Guild Leader doesn not reserve you the right to act like a jerk to Guild members who aren't, and favortism by a Guild Leader is a swift means to lose his best players.

Rey Lentless

Rey Lentless

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

ow about because he and hundreds like him, payed the same money for this game as you? You'll be surprised how many people out there are guildless, and if the game will be geared ONLY towards people in guilds, then there will be this much less guildless people buying the future expantions. I dont think
Anet would be interested in loosing all those potential buyers.
You have to understand that just because someone cant contribute much to his guild due to a busy lifestyle, doesnt mean he has no place in Guild Wars.

Most importantly, when I bought Guild Wars, I didnt see a sticker saying: "DESIGNED ONLY FOR PEOPLE IN GUILDS" anywhere on the box.
Replayability to a large extent, is due to friends being made within the game. In a business sense, they'd rather encourage people to join guilds.. so they make friends.. so they continue to buy games. The people who interact with nobody and just do their own thing have much less incentive to continue playing. It's harder to stop playing a game when you have friends that you play with.

There's a very small part of the game that requires a guild, although it helps with a lot of things. If they continue to add more guild only content, that will still be a very small part of the whole package.

Think of it as added content.. nothing was taken away from you, and if you want to participate in guild only content.. join a guild. The content is going to be geared towards groups of people anyway. So even if it was open to you, it wouldn't be your thing obviously. So what's the problem here?

Minus Sign

Minus Sign

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by AeroLion

There's also the fact that many, many complaints on this forum, among others, could be very much solved by people simply trying to form or join a guild. Perhaps Anet has simply decided it's time they more actively encourage guild groupings in a more pro-active manner in order to alleviate the unhappiness of current players that have problems in PuGs.
Now that scares the SH*T outta me. Forcing people into guilds is no better than forcing people into marriage at the point fo a shotgun. "I have to be with a group or I can't do this?" For the very reason the guildless exist now, they would leave in droves if there was forced guild content. By the same token, where do you think all these bad people would go? The Griefers, the n00bs, the napoleons would become even more the leechers that they are now, since you have to be in a guild with them.

Imagine if every guildless person suddenly started spamming you in game "Can I join your guild?" LFG, no longer looking for Group, but looking for Guild. Worse still, guilds becomeing a necessity for people, so guild membership becomes a commodity. "You want to join my guild? We'll need 2k in advance and another 1 k every month from non-RL friends please. Don't want to pay? The i guess you don't need this farm that bad after all.../ignore."

Try this. Theres a sudden invasion of griefers into your own guild, good that it is. Use the RL friends to your Guild Leader example I gave before if you say it can't happen.

They aren't going anywhere. What do you do? Do you suck it up, keep playing with this suddenly bad guild full of jerks and noobs who only want you to powerlevel them, give them items or buy items from them? If you leave, you lose access to content, not through your own fault, but because your guild turned to crud. If you stay, you stay with a cruddy guild that can't handle upper tier content anyway, so you're doubly screwed. "Well, I can leave this guild at any time," you say. "I'll get invites all the time if I don't have a guild suffix attached to my name." But what guarantee do you have that that guild will not be infested/will become infested with the same problem?

Suddenly you become a guild nomad, staying in a guild just long enough to get what you want of them and get out, i.e one of the people that so many of us dispise. The alternative is to become a workhorse, used and used up by a guild you don't like until they grow tired of you/kick you out or you become so fed up with the guild politic that you stop playing the game.

Before anyone else throws out the "Just join a guild already" argument, put yourselves into their shoes. You can't say for certain you won't be walking the same road some day.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by Rey Lentless
The content is going to be geared towards groups of people anyway. So even if it was open to you, it wouldn't be your thing obviously. So what's the problem here?
I think the guildless are fine with groups of people, they just have a problem with attachments to a specific group. Good point though.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Seems I have a talent for getting into 10-year-old gangbang guilds



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by torquemada
Seems I have a talent for getting into 10-year-old gangbang guilds
Then start using your wits, and start looking for a guild that has an age requirement.
Pick your guild carefully, and make sure there is a match with what you expect from the game and what the guild does.

~ Makk.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

Well, it's been a concern of mine. I'm in a guild, but it's a small family guild that I'm kind of stuck in. Since Anet has been all about balance and fairness, I'm hoping it plays itself out so everyone is happy.

Kali Ma

Kali Ma

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


I too have been concerned about the need to be in a guild to really enjoy Factions, and am glad to see this discussion about it.

My experience with guilds so far, with the exception of a few really great people, hasn't been so hot. Often I'll get invited into a supposedly "mature" guild and give it a try, but I've yet to find a good fit.

Here's what I've encountered:

- Most guilds are looking for "active" members, which seems to translate to "I'm online three to five days a week" with little tolerance for those who have real lives and family/work schedules.

- All of the guilds I've been in advertised themselves as being mature, yet ended up having a lot of unnecessary drama going on behind the scenes.

- It's very difficult to find support for those who are wanting to really RP, even when the guild encourages PvE.

- Many guildies treat GW as if it were a competitive team sports league, and take PvP way too seriously. Guilds can easily become a petri dish for control freaks and "napoleon" wannabes. While there are many benefits to having rules and a militaristic hierarchy, without good leadership it simply becomes an avenue for abuse and powertripping.

- Teamspeak as a requirement... talk about blowing the RP mood. While it certainly could help in GvG, my actual experience with TS is that it's simply an easy way for control freaks to boss others around, argue with each other and yell at members.

Anyway, I hope that Factions doesn't require us to be in a guild to enjoy it. Or if it does, that I'll find a guild which is a little more relaxed.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

New Hampshire, USA



I was part of a pretty good guild that moved up to rank 100-something, but then we all got sick of a few of the people in it who wouldn't leave or leave us alone, so we all pretty much dissapeared. Following that, I joined a SomethingAwful guild, but we never did anything so I left... then I met a girl who plays Guild Wars so in the name of cuteness, we've created our own guild that only her and I are a part of.

I imagine that once Factions gets rolling, I'll have an undying need to GvG.

Originally Posted by Kali Ma
- Many guildies treat GW as if it were a competitive team sports league, and take PvP way too seriously. Guilds can easily become a petri dish for control freaks and "napoleon" wannabes. While there are many benefits to having rules and a militaristic hierarchy, without good leadership it simply becomes an avenue for abuse and powertripping.
Yea, this is EXACTLY the thing I was talking about earlier.

Originally Posted by Kali Ma
- Teamspeak as a requirement... talk about blowing the RP mood. While it certainly could help in GvG, my actual experience with TS is that it's simply an easy way for control freaks to boss others around, argue with each other and yell at members.
To be honest, that guild I was a part of that exploded enforced the use of a 50-person Ventrilo server, which worked more than not having one at all because it made it a lot easier when GvGing. I guess it all depends on who is running the show...most of the people who'd be leading our groups would demand a lot out of us but then would have a reason or purpose for everything, and if we listened, we'd win.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

I feel sad for all who have had negative experiences with guilds, and understand those who wish to remain guildless.

As a guild leader I can tell you it takes a lot of effort to mantain a quality guild. Choosing officers based on helpfulness and contirbutions in time to helping others, establishing a charter, weeding out the griefers and scammers, and finding new quality members.

To those looking for a good match in a guild, I hope you find it. To those wishing to remain guildless, enjoy the game as you wish.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



Originally Posted by Minus Sign
Before anyone else throws out the "Just join a guild already" argument, put yourselves into their shoes. You can't say for certain you won't be walking the same road some day.
Thank you.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Ya guild drama is a kill joy at sometimes.