Originally Posted by NeoShaman
As for their games, NCSoft definately has got me hooked on the game Auto Assault. If it turns out well, than i'll definately get the game.
Careful their skip, Autoassault is being made by Netdevil, not NCsoft. And Netdevil has only made one viable game and that is Jumpgate and the player base is small and the cheats that were put in the game killed it.
I am very wary of what Netdevil makes now days as they make good 'niche' market games. The problem with the 'niche' market is smaller playerbase and head aches if its your first time making a game for that area.
Hehehe I remember GM Savant chatting personally to us about the hacks in the game. I swear the devs in that fields are doughy.
Other than that, bleh, Lineage 2 isnt that great and NCSoft still has to wow me yet. GW is great but to similar to Dungeon Seige with pretty graphics.
Grrr sorry got off topic a little, NC soft is doing the best it can to compete with the big Boys and Girls. Its true bonus comes from its Asian market but branching out has given it the strength it needs to compete.