Not sure where to post this question.
Where can I get my hands on a Flamberg and how much does a good one usually cost.
I have a max Felblade right now, but I want a flamberg for the aesthetic of it (suits my guy better than the big chopper of doom).
Thanks for any responses that aren't "LOLOMFGNOOB!"
Flamberg? Where and how much?
bloody dove
Search is your friend.
bloody dove
Yeah this is exactly what I meant by an asshat reply. Search is disabled right now.
I think they start dropping in the desert, and the price depends on the mods. I got a purple max one for 1k once.
I don't know why they call the thing a flamberge, it has none of the characteristics that make a sword a flamberge. They ought to change the name.
I don't know why they call the thing a flamberge, it has none of the characteristics that make a sword a flamberge. They ought to change the name.
Chilly Ress
Flamberges drop anywhere basically i believe, but if you want to buy one use the sell/buy/auction areas---a decent one can cost anywhere from 3k-80k
The search feature might not help you, but your eyes can. There's a buy/sell forum located here, as well as an auction system (link is at the top of the page).