Suggestion: Faction Bar



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005


I've seen many people who complain that after reaching level 20, there's "Nothing to do!"

Of course, everyone yells en-masse "PvP you dang fool!"

In that vein, I think that under the interface options, you should enable a "Faction bar", similar to the Exp bar. Instead of counting until the next skill point, however, it counts up your faction until a set number.

It should also be customizable (Default at 1,000, for obvious reasons), so that people can set it as low as 200 and as high as 10,000. I find myself constantly hitting H to see how much faction I have in PvP, and this would solve that, as well as be an incentive to keep playing.

Possibly, in that vein as well, a Fame bar, but let's not get ahead of ourselves


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

would be neat being able to see multiple bars on your interface



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


Xen of Onslaught

Well, theres a faction line. Get some people and move that thing!