So I just did Abaddon's Mouth earlier with my monk. We headed in, a full 8 man team. The other monk decided to drop because "we weren't letting him cap an elite," even after I told him to lead the way. So we were down to 7 players with myself as the lone monk before we've even gone into the Mursaat section of the mountain (he dropped part way through the bonus side path, which leads to the Seer and the "back door" of the Mursaat area). But we decided to keep on going (I'm not sure why), and we got infusion for the player who hadn't been infused at all yet. Well, I'm glad we did, because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get this screenshot:
Let's just say that I'm a little stoked that we did it. Kudos to the other 6 for sticking in it and managing resurrections, and especially to the Wa/Mo who brought Healing Hands, which prevented a few deaths by buying my time to recharge skills. For those of you who're wondering, here's the build I was fiddling with when we went in (screened just after finishing):
Weapon: Kepkhet's Refuge (only one I used during the mission)
DF: 12+3
Protection: 12+4
Smiting: 3+1
Yes, I'll be sure to tell the monk we made it.

Go figure, you don't really need three (or even two) monks for some missions after all.

Just a little teamwork and a skilled set of players.