Closest Droks run ever
Nexus Tharador
Dont think ive ever come this close on a Droks run :/
Tsunami Rain
1hp ftw!
lol that is close and like was stated above:
Anarion Silverhand
Mending instead of Smite hex would get you out of situations like that with alot more hp..
Mr D J
it was actually below 1.. happens to me very very often damn endure pain

I was about to tell you to zone before your endure ran off and u died at the portal

Nicely done. =)
dont feel no pain
hehe that happened the other day in the arenas... i had 9 degen and i put troll ungenut on at 9 so i had 1 health...just 1 sitting there O_O.....guess which ran out first degen or regen...... >_<
I do these runs all the time, and I always love having a +7 regen with a static 1 HP. It rarely happens anymore but it's hilarious when it DOES happen. One thing I found interesting.. If you have endure pain for ~286HP and it goes away when you had about 20 HP to start... If you try to heal yourself... it gets interesting. Healing signet for +130 kills you. Try it in pvp with some friends... it's hilarious.
Wow, That's hilarioous. I haven't seen effectively negative health before.
haha ive been at 1hp a few times before..i just tell my customers..yea i was trying to freak you out! did it work? hehe
gah that always happen to me i seem never to die :/
Criminally Sane
Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
Mending instead of Smite hex would get you out of situations like that with alot more hp..
I lol'd. Mending > Getting rid of deep freeze. Imagine if you took frenzy too... invinciwamo!
Good work I guess, but it has all been done before.
Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
Mending instead of Smite hex would get you out of situations like that with alot more hp..
Personally as a professional droks runner, I would have to say Anything (except frenzy) > Mending. Zaps up your energy, takes away 1 pip, takes away crucial stat points, gets stripped every 2 steps, and is more or less pointless if you know what you're doing.
That build the guy has in his pic is what I use (except not in that order, to each his own; I would key smash cause I'm hitting wrong keys otherwize) and I have no problem running to droks when there aren't eternal worms. (You know, the worms that keep chasing you long after balanced has run out, long after you're about to approach a group of ice golems and long after you run into the second group of ice golems following the first group, while the worm is still knocking you down.) <--- bad day for a runner.
That build the guy has in his pic is what I use (except not in that order, to each his own; I would key smash cause I'm hitting wrong keys otherwize) and I have no problem running to droks when there aren't eternal worms. (You know, the worms that keep chasing you long after balanced has run out, long after you're about to approach a group of ice golems and long after you run into the second group of ice golems following the first group, while the worm is still knocking you down.) <--- bad day for a runner.
Hehe nice one. Cant count how many times thats happened to me. Btw, is that roids i see in LucK? If it is tell him cakes said hi.

Anarion Silverhand
Holy Veil and Smite hex is IMO overkill. When you are able to run past 2 groups of siege golems with Mending and Holy veil on you I see no reason to switch Mending for Smite Hex. And, why NOT bring mending? There are just about no mobs that use Shatter Enchantment. Granted, Heretics use it, but you can easily avoid those.
Anyway, I like my build and am very comfortable with it. "If it works, don't fix it" I like to say..
Anyway, I like my build and am very comfortable with it. "If it works, don't fix it" I like to say..
That always happens when Endure Pain runs out, and because I activate at relatively low health, as soon as its on, I have to Mega power my way to safety and then I show off to customers by spamming my Health in Team Chat

thats why i hate endure pain
be happy that you didnt have life siphon on you :P
be happy that you didnt have life siphon on you :P
Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
Anyway, I like my build and am very comfortable with it. "If it works, don't fix it" I like to say..
Good, now work for the American government and fix their original motto for them.
![]() Exile Of Heaven
Easy 2 Get 1 hp becuz u only need 2 Cast a Endure Pain or Defy Pain and let someone kill u for the rest under the bonus of Endure or Defy Pain and then w8 2 let them run out and u sit there on 1 hp
![]() voutlaw
tell me someone didnt say mending up there :S