More armors...they stop way too low...we need SOME possibilies to do a tiny bit of soloing...once you get the mass armor you will probably be around lvl 20 anyways so you wouldnt need the boost in exp, but mainly for running around fighting mobs to get cash and items (it is scarse when you get between Droknar's Forge and Ring of Fire...especially when trying to get armors and the materials for the armors NOT including the cost for materials)
But also allow proffesion armors...for example, a Necro/Warrior should eb able to use necro AND warrior armors? why not? one adds armor allows for some tanking while other set allows for more energy depeding on what proffesion you rely on...I really like the look of necro armor, but with warrior as a secondary proffesion you cant even directly attack mobs without getting wasted, so what would be the point?
1.) More and Higher class armors
2.) 2 Available sets of armor that is dependant on your proffesions
Chronos the Defiler
There are plenty of farmers out there in high-level areas soloing, using skills to keep themselves alive rather than armor, which is the point of this game altogether.
Dual class armor? Interesting..let's review this, shall we?
Okay, first off..that would completely unbalance the game..why? Say I made an Elementalist/Warrior and I had part Elementalist armor (+# for Energy and +# For Energy Regeneration.) I then have the perfect suit for that class, now toss in the high armor level of the Warrior, the perfect tank, you have a very unbalanced character. It'd take less physical damage, which it's NOT SUPPOSED TO, and'd get it's energy and boosts. That would completely uneven the scales as is not intended for this game. It's a game of balance. I could point out various flaws for every class's "dual armor set".
Okay, first off..that would completely unbalance the game..why? Say I made an Elementalist/Warrior and I had part Elementalist armor (+# for Energy and +# For Energy Regeneration.) I then have the perfect suit for that class, now toss in the high armor level of the Warrior, the perfect tank, you have a very unbalanced character. It'd take less physical damage, which it's NOT SUPPOSED TO, and'd get it's energy and boosts. That would completely uneven the scales as is not intended for this game. It's a game of balance. I could point out various flaws for every class's "dual armor set".
Originally Posted by Shelvinarr
I could point out various flaws for every class's "dual armor set".

Alathys Tylderaan
I think dual-class armour would be nice, but it would much be like the 15k sets later, all for show, provides no bonus. just 1 extra unique armour for each different class possibility. I'd like to see the shining white paladin (W/Mo) armour or the Spikey leather of a R/N