Some quick questions.

Bartuc Galadwor

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Alberta, Canada

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]; [SMS] Alliance


Hello everyone, I just have some general questions that I've never been quite positive about.
First off, I was wondering what Axe Grip/Sword Pommel is best for high level Tombs and GvG. So lets see here, we have a choice of 6.

1.Grip/Pommel of Defense - Armor +5
2.Grip/Pommel of Shelter - Armor +7 (vs Physical attacks)
3.Grip/Pommel of Warding - Armor +7 (vs Elemental attacks)
4.Grip/Pommel of Enchanting - Enchantments last 20% longer
5.Grip/Pommel of Fortitude - Health + 30
6.Grip/Pommel of Swords/Axe Mastery - +1 (20% Chance to that atrribute)

While the Shelter, Warding and Enchanting are pretty dependant on what build your either running or up against it leaves us with the Defense, Fortitude and Attribute mod. The attribute mod can be used for a sligh boost in damage at times but I'm almost positive it isn't worth it (correct me if im wrong), which leaves us with the final 2 mods. Is a +5 Defense mod more beneficial than a +30 Health mod?
I've really never found the answer to this, so if anyone can do some number crunching for me and can determing which mod is better, I'd GREATLY appreciate it.

My second question is a prety simple one and related with GvGing once again. We know that you have to be in a guild for a full two weeks to get full faction from a GvG win. The same applys for guesting, where you have to be in your OWN guild for at least to weeks to recieve full faction from a win with a guest guild. So what happens if you are guildless and you guest with someone and win? Will you get full faction or will you miss out on faction, as you would if you has just joined a guild. Do you have to be guildless for 2 weeks, I've never seen anyone ask this before.

If anyone can answer either one of these or link me to the answers, I'll love you forever.

Thanks in advance.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The Defense vs Fortitude is an age-old question. (this one's a bit old)

Don't go with the +1 mod, at any rate. I don't know about the guildless/guesting thing.

Bartuc Galadwor

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Alberta, Canada

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]; [SMS] Alliance


Thanks a bunch Savio. The quick response is much appreciated. Still looking for an answer to my second question.