I am level 10. (Is that good for my first event ever? in only 44 hours as you can see in my sig? hWich I wasn't palying for some of the time of that?) If I can recall the skills on my bar are: Power Shot, Pin Down, Conjure Phantasm, Ether Feast, Troll Unguent, Comfort Animal, Charm Animal, and Resurection Signet. Are these good to have? I also have That one mesmer skill that slows target down by 50%, Penetrating Shot and i don't know about any others. Any suggestions or ideas for good buld I guess for my Ranger/Mesmer? And attribute points. I want to be kinda different from the one in the build Directory. What are good places to put points into?
(Is my sig to big? I can make it smaller.)
Ranger/Mesmer skills
if you want one a lot different than the one in the build directory look into illusion magic, marks, and expertise.
Yeah, so far illsuion magic is good. I have yet to encounter Domination magic. Whats the deal with it?!