1. What is this '55' build? Like 55 Monk? What does this refer to?
2. Why do people want items that reduce health? Like a cesta that is -50.
2 Questions....
Beau Nolan
Maria The Princess
55 monk means that that monk has 55 health. if you know how to play it its invincible. USE search! youll find plenty of stuff about it!
Beau Nolan
I've used the search function, but have had no luck in explaining either of these....
I still dont understand why you would only want 55hp? I thought more HP was better.
I still dont understand why you would only want 55hp? I thought more HP was better.
Manic Smile
Maria The Princess
ok... short and sweet
Protective spirit: for 20 seconds damg received from single attak is not more then 10% of your max hp. recharges in 2 secs, takes 1/2 sec to cast
When you run it, with 55hp youre getting 5 dmg per hit. now use mending (+4 reg) and healing breese (+7 or 8 reg) and you always get more healing then dmg. if you have 400hp, no skil can make you regen as fast cuz your taking max 40dmg, but only +10 regen
got it? if no go to links above
Protective spirit: for 20 seconds damg received from single attak is not more then 10% of your max hp. recharges in 2 secs, takes 1/2 sec to cast
When you run it, with 55hp youre getting 5 dmg per hit. now use mending (+4 reg) and healing breese (+7 or 8 reg) and you always get more healing then dmg. if you have 400hp, no skil can make you regen as fast cuz your taking max 40dmg, but only +10 regen
got it? if no go to links above
Beau Nolan
Thanks everyone for the quick summary and the links...I think I am now fully versed in what '55 Monk' is now. Thanks.