Most money you ever had..
Originally Posted by pOmrAkkUn
I have 2 stacks but my friends quit and they gave me thier accounts hmmm first of all i can also have that amount of ecto with photoshop. but if that is true then you got 6250 ecto. if you sell them for 7k that is worth
47,750,000 gold.
if you have this then you are a lucky man. or a patient man who loves UW.
well i bought my second fow armor set (necro and monk) and the money i had left i bought kurzic 15k armor and knaxai edge.
so i have a total amount of 2.300 gold. thats just enough for 4 uw runs
so UW here i come cause i want fow armor for my ele
Saix The Spartan
Ok.... I am saying this once..Just about everyone here needs to get a life....My god... I Also call Photoshop (p0m) AND EBAYERS!!!!
Across The Battle
Originally Posted by Saix The Spartan
Ok.... I am saying this once..Just about everyone here needs to get a life....My god... I Also call Photoshop (p0m) AND EBAYERS!!!!
Intelligence, grammar, and coherent sentances is something that seems to elude you my friend. Next time, just don't post. Please?
Intelligence, grammar, and coherent sentances is something that seems to elude you my friend. Next time, just don't post. Please?
I like the way you misspelled 'sentences'. The irony.
Neo Nugget
Most ive had at ONE time was about 90k...that didnt last long.alltogether...i dunno...i still dont have a full set of 15k left for ranger.
Originally Posted by Saix The Spartan
Ok.... I am saying this once..Just about everyone here needs to get a life....My god... I Also call Photoshop (p0m) AND EBAYERS!!!!
only an imbicil would ebay the kind of wealth i have in guildwars.
@ the guy with loads of ectos: ZOMG...
i once had 1000k + 120 ectos and shards. was gona buy a warrior fow but for some reason i made fow for my monk instead.. atm i have 600k, 22 ectos 25 shards. back to uw i gues..
i once had 1000k + 120 ectos and shards. was gona buy a warrior fow but for some reason i made fow for my monk instead.. atm i have 600k, 22 ectos 25 shards. back to uw i gues..
Former Ruling
No Gold Weapons.
2 Sets of 15k (on the same character)
Only 1 thing dyed black.
I get bored of farming in like 2 secs, and don't have the patience to haggle over things in Loin's Arch.
33k, 2 ectos, 9 shards, and ive only had 1 ruby ever!.... yea im hopless dont make fun of me >.<
-Old 3FL-
^Better than me
I have 1k on both accts.
And thats it =(
I have 1k on both accts.
And thats it =(
I currently have the most money I have ever had. Currently at 1.6Mil. Now comes the fun stuff, all characters have 2 sets of 15K armors and at least 4 Gold/Green weapons. My warrior is a bit spoiled with 4 sets of armors and about 8 weapons. There is really not much use for money in GW other than armors. Just good to have I guess...and the cycle will start again with the new armors and etc. when the 3rd Exp. comes out.
-Old 3FL-
i have 400gp now
unfortunately there are many players who buy money and ecto on ebay, or is it egay? mostly they are the bigest noobs in the game cause they just arnt good enough to farm for their money.
and btw, pOmrAkkUn (the one with the 6250 ecto), why are you saving that much ecto, dont tell me you got fow armor on all 6 chars cause then i know for sure you have bought the ecto on ebay or it is a photoshop picture.
to prove if this is true. go to a random area and put all you ecto's on the ground. i dare you
and btw, pOmrAkkUn (the one with the 6250 ecto), why are you saving that much ecto, dont tell me you got fow armor on all 6 chars cause then i know for sure you have bought the ecto on ebay or it is a photoshop picture.
to prove if this is true. go to a random area and put all you ecto's on the ground. i dare you
Oh for the kick command!!! lol
Don;t feel bad guys. I only ave about 60 to 80k Tops... Between all characters...
And We fully equipt our guild hall recently with all available services so most of us are broke in our alliance. lol
Don;t feel bad guys. I only ave about 60 to 80k Tops... Between all characters...
And We fully equipt our guild hall recently with all available services so most of us are broke in our alliance. lol
-Old 3FL-
^u cant say that
ur not the 1 with 197gp
ur not the 1 with 197gp
Originally Posted by Akhilleus
only an imbicil would ebay the kind of wealth i have in guildwars.
Please Akh, don't start an anti-ebay speec
People who say you have ebayed are just jealous, just like me
And o, mind sharing a little secret to me how you actually got so much money.
It is taking ages to get my first FoW set
People who say you have ebayed are just jealous, just like me
And o, mind sharing a little secret to me how you actually got so much money.
It is taking ages to get my first FoW set
Da Cebuano
Nothing compared to Ankh and Pom main account I've had for 13 months and 2nd for 34 days, good old fashion powertrading, helps that I have 2 computers in my room ^^ Playing a heck of alot this summer when I have free time, this fall I might get to play at all. 1700hrs total playtime on both accounts in a span or 13months, its not much, but I feel its a personal achievement.
Saix The Spartan
Originally Posted by Across The Battle
Intelligence, grammar, and coherent sentances is something that seems to elude you my friend. Next time, just don't post. Please?
Hahahaha, 'sentances' Retard..
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by Saix The Spartan
Hahahaha, 'sentances' Retard..
Dude quit trolling...
1000k (on main account) + 550k something (on second account)
LiQuId StEeL
1mil + ~60ecto/shards was the most ever (pants + boots for me, and gloves for a friend while he farmed monehs)
Now I sit around 1.2mil, and spend what i make, as I make it
Now I sit around 1.2mil, and spend what i make, as I make it
I guess ill play too. Most ever was not in gold at all, but in weapons and such worth about 3 mil, now im at 1.456 mil in just gold. If i were to sell my customized weapons that would add another 2 mil or so. i dont want this one weapon anymore too bad i cant uncustomize
Most I've ever had at one time is about 350k, which I recently blew on ecto...I now have 45 ecto, 12 shards, 108k, and fissure boots. Only have to save up about the same amount again to get the ecto for the rest rofl.
after playing for 13 months ,max i ever had is around 190k+16ecto+46 shards i think.Right now i have 27k 0 ecto 0 shards , 1 purple dye, :P im rich
Living Legend
the most i've had was 5.8 mil all in gold, right before sarrow's furnace... had to sell a lot of stuff lol and I don't know where all my gold went except a few fissure armors and a crap load of chest farming. And like 40+ weapons , 2 full fissure, 2 partial fissure, and like 10+ 15k armors, some shields and some other crap.
-Old 3FL-
^rich kid
Originally Posted by -Old 3FL-
>_> Quote: Originally Posted by -Old 3FL- ^Better than me
I have 1k on both accts.
And thats it =(
Originally Posted by -Old 3FL-