I think the choice between Luxon vs. Kurzick will be a matter of prefence since I have yet to see a benefit to either side. Then again, Ill reserve that thought till the full game comes out. As for the whole Barbaraic vs. Civilized agrument, I think that is point of view. After all, one may see it as :
Luxon:Barbarians with low intelluct who have no sense of "acceptable behavoir", using strength to solve all their disputes.
Kurzick: Civilized people following tradition and religious doctrine devoting their abilities to better themselves as a nation.
Luxon: Free roaming nomads with a sense of inner strength and who are not restricted by rules or society.
Kurzick: Religious zealots with a snobbish view of anyone who doesnt share their sense of "civilized society" and who value group menatality over individualism.
Ok, granted, not actually representative of some views out there, but is an example on how some may view this choice. Personally, until it it shown what benefits are available for either faction, I will be siding with the Luxons. Was never really into hte whole "greater good" belief system, and besides, when I think of Kurzicks I can't shake the thought of George Bush leading an army of White Mantle.