PvP question
Im just wondering once you have a PvP charcter , is there a way to switch his armor/items and upgrades or runes.
You have to unlock PvP items and skills in the Role-playing portion of the game.
i know that but how can you use those items when your charcter is already made?
Recreate the character.
why would i do that? hes already 50% from getting his thrid skill point
bump... come on I need an answer
If its a pvp char u have made it doesnt matter if he/she has skill points or not ...u can never purchase new skills with a pvp char...so if you reroll ur not losing anything. The only way you could buy skills with pvp char is if they were to add ST in an arena zone which i doubt they have plans for
PvP characters aren't meant to progress, since they changed Fame to being account based, they pretty much eliminated the only character based stat. As said above, delete and recreate. If you have something you want on the toon, link a rune you own, but didn't unlock its a bit harder decision. In that case try and salvage...
Not skill points I mean atribute points that you use to increase atributes.
Originally Posted by The_Whit
Not skill points I mean atribute points that you use to increase atributes.
Huh???? 200 Max attribute/skill (whatever you want to call them) points. EVER.
If you want to use items on your PvP character put them in your vault with your PvE character and them get them out with your PvP character (tombs).
If you want to change armor, reroll. If your worried about losing the XP you gained towards your next skill point, keep PvP'n till you get it then reroll.
Stop bumping you own threads...