New Player to Guild Wars

Telas Sammael

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Howdy all! I'm coming from other MMOs and wanted to ask a simple question.... I've looked around on GuildWiki and at other sites for the builds, but I figured I'd ask players.

What's the profession that allows for the most damage in PvE play? Warriors don't play like typical warriors in GW. I really like that fact. I'd like to have a profession/secondary profession that allow a character to cause large amounts of damage. I'm currently playing a Warrior/Monk build, following the Paladin template on GuildWiki.

I've also built a Necro/Elem and that's a blast as well.

But what little combo (1st and 2nd profession) is good for PvE and PvP as a damage dealer?

Anyone have any good site links for good builds?

**sorry about the randomness.. I've tried the search feature here on guru, but it states that it's down due to traffic so I've resorted to posting**

Burakus Lightwing

Burakus Lightwing

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Since you covered 4 professions already and you're still looking for another damage dealer my suggestion is Ranger/Mesmer or Ranger/Monk. Rangers are a very powerful class and paired with either a mesmer or monk secondary you'll be able to wreak plenty of havoc in the game.

My primary characters that I play are W/mo, Ele/Nec and Rang/Mes. The Ranger is a lot of fun to play.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Welcome to the game Telas. =)

I think damage is situational. As a warrior/monk I can cast Shield of Judgement and cause up to 41 damage to every creature that attacks me for several seconds. I've had like 20 monsters attacking me at one time, so thats a lot of widespread damage. (Which technically is not area of effect damage)

Different situations call for different skills, so a ranger might kick butt in one place and an elementalist in another. Play around until you find the classes you like and then get the skills to accomodate your damage dealing. lol



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

All professions are capable of dealing damage, just in different ways. Monk and mesmer are probably the least of the direct damage dealers. Pick one and start learning how to play them

There are plenty of builds here, just look in the individual boards for warrior, ranger, etc.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Warriors have the highest sustained damage of any single profession.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Shameful Spirits

Against PvE mobs though, in many cases a spiteful spirit necro or minion master will outdamage a warrior.
Of course, in PvP, where there are no mobs per se, the warrior is undisputedly king of sustained damage, as Kakumei mentioned.

Just as a side note, take a browse through the warrior section for builds that are more finely tuned than the Pally. You'll have fun playing them all



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006




First of all: Welcome to this wonderful game..

Second of all, if haven´t found it allready:

There you´ll find all possible (and impossible ) builds

And last but not least, as you´ll soon find out, this game is not all about dealing maximum damage at all times. In the beginning of the game, the higher damage dealt the better, but the further into the game you come, the more is the importance of teamwork the key to success. Not even the warriors "have" to deal as much damage as possible, they can have many different roles to play in a party, as goes for all proffessions... But you´ll figure that out along the way...

Have Fun!!