Eternal Blade
Blade Rez
Freaky! Haha, just a little screwy is all though, I'm guessing.
Blade Rez
I'm trying to get my guild to see the pic, but then One guy who goes to see it, SUPRISINGly has his computer crash, while everyone else is yelling "Its Porno!" When he logged back and said his comp crashed when he went to the pics, everyone is now not going to the pics from my guild =\. God dam
Seriously its an eternal blade, confirmed by Balance
Seriously its an eternal blade, confirmed by Balance
William Sunrider
yeah, the ghost heroes in the desert carry these as well. Just go up to them and you will see the blade.
Juicey Shake
called a rikku blade :z
Blade Rez
Yeah I know William, but because of the random equip the Zaishen Henchmen get in HoH, it's rare to see them get one.
Vermilion Okeanos
Zaishen warrior is actually ghostly hero in disguise!!
Also, anyone think ghostly hero look rather retarded with a gaint metal sephis axe?
Also, anyone think ghostly hero look rather retarded with a gaint metal sephis axe?