
Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


Ok after reading posts in another thread, about the community in game, namely:

Originally Posted by Canadian Bacon
I wonder if we could form a commitee for the betterment of the online community and make a team effort to fix the problem. This would pretty much be as futile as the NDP trying to get federally elected (Canadian politics), but everyhting helps. This is of topic.
I've decided to at least attempt to do just that, if nothing other than get the ball rolling. So here it goes.

Whats it stand for?
GWCV = Guild Wars Community Volunteers (I'm open for better suggestions).

Whats its purpose?
I'd like to see this group do the following things:

1. First and foremost, be public moniters in game. Now I'm not saying to go around making ultimatums or telling people off. But there are times when a simple voice goes a long ways. If someone asks a question, and you see people just making noob cracks, etc, answer the question. Then maybe just let it slip that we were all noobs once. Also I'm not big on reporting people for violating the Terms of Agreement, but there are times when things are going too far. These times are obvious, because they are the times you leave the district or turn off the chat, just to ignore remarks. Its times like these people need to stop ignoring and take a screenshot.

2. Help the "noobs", as we were all one once. As I believe Canadian and 96TSi were saying in the other thread, they take the time to help out new members to the communtiy by showing them the beginning aspects. This is important to maintaining a diverse and large gaming population. If we drive all the new members away, we are going to get stuck with nothing but players shouting "MY CHARZ R SO MUCH MORE L33T THAN UR NOOBZ" blah blah blah. I'm simply proposing that members of this group actually schedule a time, an hour a month per member, to help out new characters. I'm not saying helping out by giving away gold and items, but by showing them how to use merchants, id, salvage, maybe the location of the first mission, etc.

Other than that I don't know much else that can be done to fix/make better the current community. This may not be the only way, or even possibly the best, but it has to start somewhere. I'm just saying that there does need to be some sort of volunteer group for this. Although I'm sure new members will keep joining regardless of how the community is. I'd rather those new members enjoy the experience, and turn out to be helpful, fun members of this community. Instead of joining the game and just participating in the sexist, racist, harrassing, and otherwise disrespectful remarks that are going on now.

I know this post is long, but I hope some of you who read it take it to heart. So that being said I personally will join this group help out. If anyone else would like to, if for no other reason that to just give back to the community, please just post below. Comments or suggestions always welcome as well. Flamers, flame if you must, but I'm set on trying to help. Anyways I'll see what I can do about setting up a forum or something, if enough people want to join in.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Fort Worth

Clowns of Wrath[CoW]


I would love to help with this!!!

if we could setup a mass meeting every now and then and spam it in just about every town IG and every GW related website we goto, this could turn into a good thing for the newbies . I know this would be a very hard to obtain goal but i am willing to help out as much as i can.

other than the in game help, I am very well experienced with setting up and maintaining websites. i could be good help with that.

PS.Im online right now, IGN: Osiris The Cursed . come babble with me somewhere if you are bored

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


My Suggestion for this idea is make it a Guild or better an Alliance of like minded guilds, have a web site maybe, but what 96TSi said is good, minus the spamming part ^_^.

Announcing that you're helping newbies with questions at a certain place will truely improve the effectiveness of the group.

Beau Nolan

Beau Nolan

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



I too would like to be apart of this group...this has been something that I've wanted to incorporate into a guild. A guild dedicated to the enjoyment of the game for all, I've created a guild, but have never gotten around to recruiting as I am either working to improve my characters or helping others with missions, quests, or other activities. I have dropped remarks to have them join, however I don't like pressuring anyone so I just ask them to keep me in mind when it comes time for them to select or change guilds.

Beau Nolan
Derek Nolan
Legolas Nolan
Natasha Sato

Wind of Horus

Wind of Horus

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005


I see this all the time, and youre right when someone asks a question in public chat its usually followed by flames and such.. Thats when I usually just PM them with the help. Instead of using the public channel.

I think it would be a great idea... I have kind of been my own GWVC for the past couple of months but it would be nice to have some help, Hit me up in game if you want > Dem Apples is ze IGN


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Fort Worth

Clowns of Wrath[CoW]


after reading Majes post i immeadiatly thought of Alliance to but it didnt get to make it in my post. ill talk to the leader of my small guild (he is a IRL friend of mine) and see what he thinks about a "help" alliance we all could work on together

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


An alliance would be a great way to keep an in game list of members. But a place in the forums would allow people to see when we are online. Not to mention request help during our off hours. Glad to see responses this late at night, supposing you're in America :P

Edit: I need some sleep, I'll check it again first thing in the morning. Also I want to make it clear, that I think an alliance/guild would be great. However, you should not feel obligated to join an alliance/guild, in order to join GWCV. Anyone who wishes to help out is more than welcome.

Batou of Nine

Batou of Nine

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

California, USA

Angel Sharks [AS] (RiP [KaiZ] T__T")


VERY VERY GOOD IDEA!! I try to help new players as much as possible, and am often helping guildies with anything and everything. The idea of GWCV would be great namely, because we are each only one person, and to have a community that is open to deliberatly helping that random need will help fill the void that only one man cannot.

I would be willing to form a factions alliance or even join a guild for this purpose. Let me know about any further plans and developments!

Batou Of Nine
Mrs Kusanagi
Motoko Kusan Agi
Crazy Ron Burgandy


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Fort Worth

Clowns of Wrath[CoW]


when the day crew get to this thread please post up some helpfull ideas to get this rolling



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


Great idea!

if we could setup a mass meeting every now and then and spam it in just about every town
That kinda misses the point I think.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Fort Worth

Clowns of Wrath[CoW]


well not so much spam like in LA dist 1 lol, but send a group of scouts across tyria to tell people about the helpfull event that is going wherever we have the meet at.

i said "spam" as in say it a couple times within a few minutes so the people just entering town can hear about it too before you move off to the next district/town to make sure more people can be active at the event.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Kids of America Unite!

N.A.T.O- Want's YOU!

New form of Elitism.

A. Noid

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



Well- being one of the noobs- I'd say I'd really like to see this happen. In addition, I'd like to see a few available to show me/ instruct me in the finer points of combat. Every game has different strategies- figuring them out can be pain-staking.

*flashes 2 thumbs up!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Fort Worth

Clowns of Wrath[CoW]


Im online all the time, put me on your friends list and msg me one day when ya see me and i can show and help you the basics of just about every characters most standard builds

IGN: Osiris The Cursed



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Hemel Hempstead



I would also like to help with this, could whoever is organising is please pm me either on this forum or in game, I'll be online this weekend as either:

Shades of Illusion
Rhodri Steelsong

Look forward to helping out.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


I love this idea, sign me up

IGN: Eternal Tempest
Tempest of Ascalon

If this catches on and stays to it's purpose, I can help with running / setting up a web page (portal w/ forum).


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

and guild wars police too? we can have special armour and can patrol outpost with absolutely no powers whatsoever and be ridiculed, cool

this will NEVER work, noones going to pay attention to a self appointed committee



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


I'm in it for devoting an hour of my time to help people, hang out in a populated area and answer question's that other's would yell at as "noobs" and being willing to help someone with a quest / missions.

As far as acting as a "police" I would only report someone under the same condition’s I would report someone now, which is hardly every. To me it would have to be really bad.

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


The idea isn't to try and force people to stop, but rather changing the attitudes of the new members joining the game. So they don't, in turn, fall back on the kind of behavior that isn't really appropriate for any MMORPG. Also all I was saying is that if you see that kind of behavior don't just ignore it. This will work if people want it to. However, you are entitled to your opinion, and no one is demanding you help out.

To those above I will try and contact you throughout this weekend. I hope to have a working member list complete with times people can help out. Not asking for your whole day, just an hour or so wherever you can spare it.

EDIT: As Eternal said, I'm only talking about the really bad things that go on, and they do I've seen them. I'm not saying you go and report everyone that ever called someone a noob, or moron, or whatever. But I've seen people genuinely offended by what some people say. Especially when someone attacks anothers religion, ideals, or other personal beliefs. Quite simply put, you don't know the people, so you have no right in saying what they believe is right or wrong. I think a simple "Hey we don't need any of that here." would work just fine.

Gunz Blazing Smile

Gunz Blazing Smile

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

I wouldn't mind helping out here and there. Just I don't think I would like to join it. Don't get me wrong, It's a great idea.

Now I'm not saying to go around making ultimatums or telling people off.
That Might be a problem... Some people will probably take it as to "form" new players into the standard of normal players for everything (farming, pvp, gvg, ect.). Great idea, love to joing just not entierly. Of course whats to stop the new players going off to become elitists and start calling other new players "noobs". It can be a sad world at times, your trying to make it better I understand that.

IMHO - Best way to start it off is to make a guild with the name, and then start makeing alliances afterwards. That way people can tell that they are joining to recieve help. I can ask my guild to join the alliance. We're small but we try to have fun as much as possible.

Also... there are some that like to get all the help they can get such as for free: gold, items, runs, materials, ect.
I'm not saying helping out by giving away gold and items, but by showing them how to use merchants, id, salvage, maybe the location of the first mission, etc.
Some people can be VERY generous, so probably just give those who will do free things warnings and such.

We all felt the duble edge blade of being a pro and a noob. We all had to start out somewhere and even when we know the game and skills we are still sometimes called noobs, but you do have those rare groups that compliment you alot of times wich thus increases friends that you might wana add to your list, and so on so forth.

I probably talked myself into circles with this, so sorry if this is confuseing, probably confuseing to me as well.

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


Heh I'm getting the feeling people are reading too much into the "reporting" suggestion. I didn't mean to go out looking for people doing this, merely to not ignore it. Such as if you were out walking and saw someone getting mugged for example. Are you just going to walk on by, go home, and go to bed? Probably not, most people (or so I'd like to think) would probably run home, lock their doors, and call the police. Its not like you were out looking for someone to get mugged, so you could run home and phone away. But you happen to see it, you shouldn't just ignore it. Thats all I was meaning.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Forming a new guild then adding them to an alliance is also a working idea, if you don't do that, having a web site / forum were we can all meet works as well.

I'm co-guild leader of our guild and allaince may not work in my case.

For me I can give advice on being a monk, ele, Pve, and basic knowledge. Willing to help on missions / quests, etc.

As long as there is "On-duty time" and "Off duty time" I'm willing to put 110% of this.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Fort Worth

Clowns of Wrath[CoW]


As Phaern said, we wouldnt be trying to police people and bully them. just simply change the tides of the conversation to get the lude comments to an end. The biggest thing that will come of this is people seeing that some really care and try to help out too by giving their knowledge to someone who needs it



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005




I like this idea, except about the whole policing issues... I dunno what to think. Quite honestly I rather take a more passive stance on this thing.

I just think it'll be nice to offer help to those who requested, ie. any low levels who wants to party to do a quest, party to do a mission, help on a bonus, show them the way around, or even some small weapons donation... I would be more than happy to lend a hand. I've been doing this for a while, and will be more than glad to have my guild join this Alliance to continue such efforts.

Batou of Nine

Batou of Nine

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

California, USA

Angel Sharks [AS] (RiP [KaiZ] T__T")


And the forum trolls emerge!!

Originally Posted by fiery
New form of Elitism.
Are you kidding me? People organizing with the sole purpose of helping OTHERS, and boosting overall interest in the game from noobs... HOW the CRAP is that ANY form elitistism? So if we dont try and organize, then we arent elitists? Humanitarinism is alive and well in the world, and it is NOT elitist, it is the reality of what is needed. The same can apply to online games like GW. You dont like the idea, dont post. You dont think it will work, dont post.

Originally Posted by led-zep
and guild wars police too? we can have special armour and can patrol outpost with absolutely no powers whatsoever and be ridiculed, cool

this will NEVER work, noones going to pay attention to a self appointed committee
Err, he never said we are focusing on "policing" in GW. The purpose is to help boost GW interest, especially from "noobs". And examples of ways to do this would be through helping new players through the game, answering questions, helping them understand game mechanics, and trying to reduce the amount of verbal abuse new players frequently get. Also, to help watch out for them so they are not taken advantage of from other players for veteran income growth.

I hope that helps clear things a tad better...

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


Well said and thanks.

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


Well due to lack of anywhere else to post it right now...

Phaern Majes: IGN: Phaern Majes - Tuesday & Thursday: 1-3 pm EST (GMT -5)

96TSi: IGN: Osiris The Cursed - Daily: 5-6 pm EST (GMT -5)

Beau Nolan: IGN: Beau Nolan - Varies every 2 weeks, to be posted.

Wind of Horus: IGN: Dem Apples - All Week: 1 AM - 5 PM PST (GMT -8)

Batou of Nine: IGN: Batou of Nine - Moday - Friday: 11pm - 2am PST (GMT -8)

wolfe2dale: IGN: Shades of Illusion - Euro Servers [English] - Wednesday: 6-8 pm GMT

EternalTempest: IGN: Eternal Tempest - Wednesday: 10-11 pm EST (GMT -5)

That is our list so far. The times aren't all for sure yet. However, Phaern, Batou, Wolfe, Wind, and Eternal should all be good.

Batou of Nine

Batou of Nine

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

California, USA

Angel Sharks [AS] (RiP [KaiZ] T__T")


Ya im good. I cant wait to see something about this lift off...
Dont hesitate to ask me for any assitance for anything needed!!

GL! enjoy