I want to go one better. FoW, UW, and to an even larger extend, Sorrows Furnace are all about farming, for many people. I guess I don't really mind people farming so much, but what does bother me is that it's bloody impossible to get a group for SF quests! Tombs suffers from a similar problem with their barrage/pet groups. Those are the only kind of groups you can get!
I propose that in high-level areas there are no monster drops at all. Upon completing a quest, you get to open a chest that contains a large number of exceptional drops. Or defeat a monster that does the same. Or the quest-giver rewards you with the same. True to the satisfaction of finding good items by chance, these drops are still random. The reward is always high, but it could end up being 3 platinum and a gold shadow bow, rather than that ecto you were hoping for. Or 3.5 plat, 2 keys, and a purple shadow sword. The rewards are high enough that you basically make what you would have earned killing enemies and getting the usual random drops. Substitute money for those useless Shadow Essence drops or whatever they are.
I think this is the better way for a few reasons:
- Quests become much more exciting and meaningful.
- People who want to do the quests can actually get a group to do them.
- Reduces the grind by making people do challenges, rather than the easy way of finding something they can kill efficiently and doing it over and over.
- A group does not have to engage every enemy if they don't want to.
- It encourages groups to explore the area more - while 1 person may want to explore, he can't do that if the rest of his group just wants to grind the easy parts.
Keep in mind I'm not proposing they do this for all areas, just the high-level areas. After all, I would still want to get collectors items and salvage items.