New Factions Armor!
I'm sure we are all dieing to do it, show off all your sweet new threads from the FPE!
Mine coming soon...
Mine coming soon...
I'm not at home I'm at work...
i will be able to work in about 8 hours :|
i will be able to work in about 8 hours :|
The undead Mesmer
I personally love the Necro armor so evil :P the new hairstyle for males also is WICKED!!!!
DARN YOU WORK!!! lol, like many I have another 8 hours before I'll even get to touch factions, but then...!
Nawn Centz
My warrior needs a new dance, and fast.
I need a new warrior, and fast.
I just want to be able to change my warrior's hair and give her a bit of a tan since she looks more like a necro when it comes to skin colour.
i like the necro armor called minion master & i like some of the ranger armors as well...
anyway ill post some pics when i get home and get some characters made!
anyway ill post some pics when i get home and get some characters made!
Im not really liking factions much..
dont feel no pain
Originally Posted by fabulouz
Im not really liking factions much..
i dont know why but i kinda feel the same way , mabye its justa big change , i didn't enjoy sorrows furnace update too
Cymboric Treewalker
I wonder if they will enable us to change the look of our current characters... new hair styles, etc.